Keeping Track Editions

Started by Toolsurfer, August 10, 2016, 02:28:52 PM

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I looked at the posted editions that were on this site and saw that there are editions missing , like  27 thru 46 something ? Are these gonna get posted?

Paul Danik

The issues of "Keeping Track", the Penton Owners Newsletter from "back in the day" that are available to read on this website are the only issues known to exist. We will gladly correct that line of thought if any later issues surface.

Possibly you are thinking of "Still Keeping Track", the Penton Owners Group newsletter. There are more issues of it to be scanned and made available, but that is a separate project that is headed up by other members.

We do have issues of the Penton Dealer Newsletter from "back in the day" titled "Keep'em Winning" to scan and make available on this website. I missed the last meeting and did not get to deliver them to Bill Smith to scan and post, but we will get them done ASAP.

It is nice to know that folks are reading and hopefully enjoying the original "Keeping Track" newsletters. At VMD at Mid-Ohio there were a number of positive comments made about the availability of those newsletters to read on this website.

 A big thanks goes out to Bill Smith and Karen Turner for all of their hard work in getting those newsletters scanned and posted. We would certainly be lost without those dedicated folks who keep this fine website up and running.



Those Keeping track and any other Penton news letters are Snap shot of history for people like me that really enjoyed this time . Not trying to relieve it , just want to visit very interesting time in dirt bike evolution .I guess I was looking at a post by John Born . Can't wait see the new postings . Great job !