46th ISDT Shield Sticker

Started by KJDonovan, March 26, 2017, 04:34:59 PM

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Cal Alexander

I have an original warranty sticker on a air box cover that we can use to take a photo of to reproduce. Larry, thanks for offering one of yours up. We should be OK with what we have but I'll contact you if we need one.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Cal Alexander

I heard back from Roberto (Parmabike) today. He is in Italy working on sourcing more Penton Parts with his brother who lives there. Roberto indicated he will be bringing back some of the ISDT Shield Stickers. He said they will be available on his web site by the end of April.  :D

75 250 MC
74 Jackpiner
73 Penton Trials
72-73 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Cal Alexander

I heard back from Roberto today. He is having some of the ISDT Shields made up while he is in Italy. He indicated these will be available on his eBay store Parmabike by the end of April.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

rob w

Kevin, I had gotten them from Randy in the past.


I think Cal Alexander is selling them now?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Rob / Ron, Last I spoke with Randy he was unable to locate his inventory of stickers.  I will send Cal an email.  Thanks for the info guys.

Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

Larry Perkins

I believe Randy found his stickers but he sent them to Cal.

Larry P

Randy Kirkbride

Kevin. I found my supply of stickers. They have been sent to Cal. I do know that there were some 'shield' stickers in there. Cal should have them in a day or two. I sent them Saturday. He will fix you up with what you need. Thanks Cal for taking over the supply.

Cal Alexander

Hi Kevin, as Randy indicated he mailed me his remaining sticker inventory a couple of days ago. I'll check to see what he sent and let you know if there is one there. I've also been watching Roberto's web site (Parmabike) for these. Roberto has been out of stock for the past year but indicated that he was having them reprinted. I'll check in with Roberto to see how that effort is coming along.

My son has a graphics business and we have not attempted to do this sticker. If all else fails will see what we can do. Its a complicated one and will require a lot of graphic artist man hours to reproduce correctly.

We Poggers are certainly indebted to Randy who has made these decals available for our restorations over the years.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others


Thanks Randy/Larry, just set Cal an email.
Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint



Let me know what you find on the shield sticker.  I also need a white warranty sticker, the one that was on the air-box cover.


Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

Larry Perkins


If Cal does not have the Warranty sticker I have one.

Larry P


Thanks Larry, I'll let you know. :D
Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

Cal Alexander

I received Randy's sticker shipment this afternoon. Unfortunately no Shields or Warranty Decals. We will see if we can reproduce these but it will take a few weeks. I will let everyone know when they are available.

I also checked with Roberto at Parmabike about the Shields he had available previously. His printer has not been able to locate the Chrome Foil to reproduce these. He said he would follow-up and let us know if he has any success in reprinting them.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Larry Perkins

Cal do you need one of Randy's Warranty stickers to make them or are you OK?

Larry P