Get your FREE Doug Wilford Memorial sticker

Started by OhioTed, June 10, 2017, 07:11:34 PM

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Friends, this past March we lost one of our best.  Doug Wilford was not only an exceptional motorcycle rider and competitor, but also instrumental in development and refinement of the entire Penton motorcycle line.  
Doug also at times presided over the Penton and Husqvarna race teams, and in 1972 managed the Penton ISDT effort.
Much of what we enjoyed then and now in respect to Penton motorcycles can be directly attributed to Doug Wilford - the Sachs Doctor.
Please help us to honor Doug and perpetuate his memory by requesting and displaying one of these memorial stickers.  
They're FREE for the asking.  However, we are accepting any and all donations you may care to submit, with all profits going to a memorial fund.  With sufficient funds generated we hope to place a plaque honoring Doug at the Daytona Memorial in Daytona Beach, Florida.  
Just e-mail me to request a sticker, at [email protected].  All donations can be made via PayPal at same e-mail address.  Should you prefer to mail a check, please send to POG mailing address, c/o Doug Wilford Memorial.



Donation made....thanks Ted.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks Ted I received the sticker and the Information page that was enclosed.  What a wonderful way to Honor a Great Man and Racer.  Please keep us updated on where we are on funds raised for the plaque in Daytona.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Hey Ted,Can donations be made at Mid-O in a couple of wk's?  Bill

Steve Minor sticker arrived today. It's great looking. I can't thank you enough for offering these to us. Mine is actually going in a frame on my shop wall. I'm proud to say I met Doug a few times and have a "DW" Sach motor on my 72 Six Day.

Steve Minor
Steve Minor


Please forward me a "Doug Wilford Memorial Sticker".  My Mom would tell me the story, as she grew up in Amherst during that period, of how cute the girls thought he was and we all learned later how mechanically talented the man was. I was kind of a "hanger on" at 1900 Elyria Ave, (R/D address), I worked at 8Th Street and could sneak word on 1972 Penton 100 and my buddy worked there and, well some cutting edge goodies ended up on my bike.

Meeting Doug Wilford years later and having a couple motors on my bench with his punch marck's, is pretty neat.

Rest-In Peace -  Victor Monz....where can I send a donation ?


Thanks to all who have requested stickers, and all donations greatly appreciated.  

Just as a reminder, you can e-mail me with sticker requests: [email protected], and my PayPal account is same address.

Should you wish to send a check, mail to:  Ted Guthrie, 33855 Hoopes Rd, Salem, Ohio 44460.

The memorial fund stands at about $400.00 as of today.  Still working on how best to honor Doug.  It has been suggested that a plaque commemorating him be placed at the Daytona Memorial, but indications are there is already one (or possibly two) plaques already in place.  Bev Klamforth is currently checking on this.  Please discuss at next POG meeting and present ideas and suggestions.


Will you have the stickers at Mid Ohio?I have a Doug built Berkshire and rode enduros with him,A fine tribute to a fine man!