Marvins Pass

Started by Pat Oshaughnessy, April 22, 2018, 11:51:33 AM

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Pat Oshaughnessy

Any comments? Dont forget Eli did the same to Ryan Dungy awhie ago[:0]

Larry Perkins

It has always been this way and always will be, "What goes around comes around!"  Marvin said it best in the post race press confrence when asked if he was proud of his race.  He said,"I would only not be proud of myself if I had not given it every effort to win!"  He is a good kid and I am glad he is on ORANGE! My two cents worth.

Larry P

Pat Oshaughnessy

The pressure on these guys is unreal! The $$$ is unreal! Im glad I never raced for $. Just for the Fun! [:p]

Carl Hill

I didn't really expect Marvin to do that. I guess Eli didn't either. It was a cheap shot I suppose but Eli is not exactly Mr. clean himself. Reminds me of Bradshaw vs The Chicken.

Pat Oshaughnessy

Well for once Jason Anderson wasnt in it. Hes just crusin along in the points lead![8D]

jeff greenberg

I know Larry saw the press conference #128077;... It's a must see!
Marvin kinda called out Eli for the Vegas / Dungey treatment . Then Eli fired back with " hey, you set that all up when you let Dungey by for the win" ( I forget what race it was)
Man... Tons of tension in that press conf.   Let he without sin cast the first stone! Ha!


MM knows it was cheap and what was really dumb is ET could have really put MM down bad hard, possibly breaking his leg. ET had the drive/opportunity to do that. In fact MM in the post race interview said he knew ET couldn't see him coming. If MM was unhindered in his line he would have ended way up on the berm with no sensible line to take. If this continues escalates it will simply be who can take out who on the last lap. Roller-Moto-Ball.

So last turn tactics:

1. If you have the lead you need to have a good 1.5 seconds on second place so they can't touch you.

2. If you are leading and go wide you can get parked, blocked or you can try to plan to take out the guy on the inside (hard to do because you can't see his path).

3. If you go inside you risk losing time and the possibility of a full on hit but you can generally see the outside line and what's coming.

I think most riders that take the outside line don't want to tangle with the inside line rider while the inside line rider is all about the block, take out whatever you want to call it.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good


Well, I guess I will chime in too!  I don't think it was a cheap shot and here is why;  I believe that is the first time Eli cut down through the turn instead of following the one of many ruts through the corner as MM saw him do on the previous lap(s) Had Eli followed one of the ruts, then MM's angle would have come in a bit later in the corner, making it more of pushing Eli further outside than a center punch action. As stated above, these guys are under a lot of pressure.  There was more on the line than just the win for the night.  What also comes into play are the year end points.  MM has a slim lead on Eli, and wanted to keep it that way.  I am sure KTM would rather MM finish second overall than third overall.  I would put some of the blame on Eli for not covering the inside line in the first place.  Yes, Eli is fast, real fast, but I don't see him as a very good champion, or a good spokesman for the sport.......

1976 MC 5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1985 20' Hi Point trailer
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6

Pat Oshaughnessy

Its great to get everyones input. I like both of them. I dont like the Roller Moto Ball! My Son says it was like that in Dist. 36 Pro class. You got it done to you so you did it back![}:)]