Counter sprocket removal,

Started by mike carr, February 25, 2019, 06:23:52 PM

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mike carr

I read through the forum, and didn't find the answer( but I am not a very reader) I have the nut off the sprocket, and cant for the life of me get the sprocket to come off, I am using a puller, and not trying to be too aggressive, the motor had been outside for a long time and unless I am just not reefing on it enough, it will not come off, any suggestions? thanks, Mike Carr.



I am assuming this is a Sachs engine?  If this is the case then, put the nut back on a few turns and put a 13MM socket over the end of the counter shaft so you don't mash it with the puller.  Then slowly add some pressure to the puller – and give it a light wack with a mallet and it should break free.  You want the nut on there so the sprocket does not break free and hit you when it finally releases from the tapered shaft.



Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Berkshire
74 Hare Scrambler

Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

mike carr

Yes this is a Sachs motor, I knew I forgot to include something, thanks, I will give that a try, everything else on this motor has been a real p
ain to remove.

mike carr

Well, I tried, it is really on there, afraid to use to much force, I am rebuilding the motor, the counter sprocket was the last thing to come off before splitting the cases, I could probably leave it on. but really wanted to leave the gear assembly in the left case, unless I am backwards, done a few Huskys never a Sachs, but I have a few more motors if this one doesn't pan out.

Larry Perkins

Kevin gave you a good method with regular puller.  I have one of the Sachs countershaft pullers and it basically operates the same way just perfect fit, no adjustment and definitely will not smash shaft.  If you want the factory one Jake Fisher a member here sells them on eBay.  If you look on eBay it has Jake's phone number and if you call and say you are in POG he will cut you a deal.

Larry P

mike carr

Thanks Larry, I think I will, because at this point I don't see it coming off any other way, never had so much trouble getting a sprocket off!


Mike, put a little heat on the sprocket, won"t hurt anything if your going back new anyway.  Just don't burn down the shop are melt the motor. ol Dave

mike carr

Well I did put some heat to it and after another try, it came off, thanks everyone, now the cases are on their way to become separated, but, having a hard time getting it separated at the crank, its loose, but the crank is stuck in both sides pretty good, I am gingerly, and carefully working at it but cant hurt the cases, so I will let them it tell tomorrow and see if they magically fall apart in the night! been many years since  have done this, but I am starting to remember why I paid to have it done last time.

JP Morgen

Heat and penetrating oil.... tough to remove sprockets can be ground until they break and come off, but read you were successful with yours!

mike carr

So is it better to leave the gears in the right or left side case? I am having problems getting the cases apart, bound up right at the crank, the rest is loose, thanks again for the impute, this forum is great!

Rick Bennett

Have someone hold the right side case up off the bench and tap on the crank and mainshaft with a plastic hammer. The starter shaft should stay with the right case. Everything else stays in the left side.

Bud Green

Bud Green    
 Mike send me your email ill show you what I had to do to get that sprocket off
 [email protected]

mike carr

Bud, I did end up getting it off, but I am wondering about your method, thanks.
I also was able to get the cases apart, what I found was my selector key laying in the bottom, not sure how it became un-screwed but it explains why I had a shifting issue, now I need to call Al with a parts list, thanks again for all the help.