need dimensionds of spacer

Started by BrianTaylor, October 07, 2002, 07:45:19 PM

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I have misplaced the front wheel brake side spacer It is the same for all Penton models part number 51.09085.000 its locater 85...Could someone give me the width and the od and i will have onme turned ... thks Brian Taylor

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor


Good question. Every Penton I have has a different thickness spacer, sometimes inside the brake housing and sometimes outside and most of the time both. I try to add washers to get the tire centered on the forks and the brake stay rod lined up with it's mounting bracket on the fork. Sometimes I need washers at the fork/stay rod connection to get it done. It sure would be nice to know the "right" way to do it.




I have a 75 400 that was totally original and unmolested.  The spacer inside the brake was about 4mm wide and the opposite side had the odometer drive.  Sometimes if your wheel in not centered between the forks is because the spokes have been tightened to much on one side and pulled the rim off center.