High Breather Air Box?

Started by crheeterman, January 22, 2020, 10:39:29 AM

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I'm working on a June '73 Jackpiner and recently acquired a JP blue gel coat airbox for it. Couple questions about this box - First, it doesn't seem to fit the frame quite right. The lower left mounting hole (filter side) lines up fine but not flush with the frame so the mounting screw is exposed behind it by almost an inch. The top mount under seat area appears to be spot on. But, the right (pipe) side hole is off by almost an inch. Seems that if I could get the left side to mount flush, as it swings into place the right (pipe) side hole would have a better chance at lining up.... but the frame just keeps getting in the way from every angle. Is this common or do I have the wrong size box?  In addition, I read a different post a few days back (can't find it now) that indicated there were 2 different High Breather boxes made depending on model and/or year? My box has the intake modification on top that's not covered with gel-coat and it looks like a rush job by manufacturer (had to beef it up with a couple little stainless brackets). In addition, I stumbled on a couple posts here regarding said mods with reference to 2 different sized intake triangles. Have also noted at least 2 different sized triangular metal lids re the same on ebay or POG site over the years lending credence to this. What do I have here? I'd hate to have to swap out this box as it's in very good condition. Any and all input would be much appreciated. (Sorry for being so long winded)

Chris H.    


Oh, one more thing re my message above. As result of air box misalignment the lower mud flap that screws to bottom of the air box is way out of line and doesn't fit at all. I must have the wrong type air box for this model..??

Chris H.

Larry Perkins

If it has a triangular cutout at top it is for a low breather and incorrect.

Larry P