Larry Maiers appearance at NPM on hold

Started by OhioTed, February 08, 2020, 06:57:13 PM

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"NPM" is The National Packard Museum, located in Warren, Ohio.  And yes, Larry Maiers is going to be there to talk about his many motorcycling experiences - on Saturday, March 7th.  
Doors open at noon, and in addition to a great presentation Larry has planned, there is LOTS to see at The Packard.  Tons of cool Packard stuff for sure, such as many classic cars, but even better - the 2020 motorcycle exhibit, this year featuring dirt track bikes.  
Please consider supporting Larry, by turning out for this neat event, at a great facility.  Plus, it sure would be nice if Larry didn't have to drive all the way down to Warren by himself.  Fellow POG'ers - please make plans to attend, and reach out to Larry and offer to share the drive with him.  
Go to // for more information.


Hey folks, how about some response to this post?  We've got one of the most iconic figures in the sport of motorcycling, soon to make a public appearance at an awesome facility, filled with cool old cars, and an excellent display of trick, vintage motorcycles.  Let's get some interest going in making a significant POG presence at the event, and showing support for Mr. Larry Maiers - the President of Penton Imports!  Larry has had a huge impact on our sport.  This is going to be a great, fun event!

dennis brown

dennis l.brown


Due to unforeseen circumstances, Larry Maiers' appearance at the National Packard Museum is on indefinite hold.