Steel Tank Rear Frame Loop

Started by LeeBuff, March 31, 2020, 06:26:10 PM

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Need a rear frame loop for a steel tanker.  If anyone has an old beat up steel tank frame with a good rear frame loop with fender mount tabs I need one for a restoration. [email protected]
 Thanks in advance, Lee Buffenmyer

Carl Hill

I have a frame with severe rust damage to right down tube. I have been hoping to find another frame with damage somewhere else so I could make one decent one. If I give up on this idea I will let you know



Carl & Dan thank you for your response's. I need this for a 71 Six Day MX steel tanker.  Thanks again, Lee


I believe there is one on Ebay for sale . This is just the rear frame loop to . Maybe wrong year but worth the check .


The one Ebay is for a 1972-75 CMF frame.  I need a 1968-71 rear frame loop.



Carl,I have a frame I'm cutting up, I can get you the front tubes if you're in need.

Carl Hill


Shoot me a direct e mail or txt number and I can send pics tomorrow. Contact me at; my screen name @yahoomcom

Carl Hill



A big Thank You go'es out to POG member(Thrownchain) Dan Killian for providing the much needed rear frame loop for my 71 Six Day MX.

Thanks, Lee Buffenmyer