Original '72 Jackpiner pipe

Started by R.T.Fischer, April 09, 2020, 07:37:11 AM

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Is perforated core that silencer packing is wrapped around detachable or is it welded to the front ? Small perforations are plugged up & wanted to get the core out to clean it, not much room between the outer pipe & inner core to get in there & too dark to see. Thanks for any help.

Larry Perkins


Remove all of the packing and then use a propane torch to heat the perforated core to burn away the carbon.  Best to remove the pipe and do it outside.


Thanks for advice on it being welded, didn't want to force the issue, currently removing multiple coats of paint on outside & will burn carbon out of entire pipe on a good cloudy day.

Dale Fisher

Rick,  I still have two new Dorino '72-'74 Jackpiner exhaust pipes that are ready to install.  Would be willing to trade one for needed parts i.e. complete '74 black front and rear CMF brake hubs.

Dale Fisher

Mudlark Registry
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry