Message from Oz

Started by Bill Campbell, June 28, 2020, 04:31:07 AM

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Bill Campbell

I've been meaning to do this fro some time. With all the "news" we get from our reporters on the spot I was hoping that all members of the Penton fraternity are Covid free and enjoying your summer. My Penton (KTM) friends here are all well. Keep doing all the right things and hope to catch up on the other side of the pandemic. Cheers Bill

Tom Penton

Bill: all well with us Oregon Pentons (wife Julie and I, sons Dan & Spencer)

I had bowed out of the 1970's offer to come ride an event there in Australia when brother Jack and Kevin LaVoie represented us so well, so hadn't been south of the equator until recently. Julie and I took a cruise, Auckland south around New Zealand, over to Hobart, then Melbourne and Sydney. Took the train to the Blue Mountains. So wonderful, memorable!

Tom Penton
Tom Penton

Bill Campbell

Hi Tom. Glad your family is well. Looks as though we both missed Jack and Kevin in Australia. i remember the time well from reading the magazine articles of the day. I had stopped doing enduros the year before and took up MX as I had a few enduro DNFs and the MX pits were a lot closer to walk to! Grace and I have seen some of the south island of NZ and I was lucky to ride around it this past Feb with my brother. Its so different to Australia but still feels like we are going interstate. Al i can say is do another trip to Oz and we will gladly show you around. Hope everybody stays safe and well. Cheers Bill