Brother Jeff

Started by Tom Penton, July 02, 2020, 12:24:11 PM

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Tom Penton

Don, Re: Dog's name. You're asking a bit from my distant memory, but I believe the dog's name was Renee.

Tom Penton
Tom Penton


Tom, What happened in the fall to get that machine on fire?  Never have experienced that . Was that a 1975 Harescrambler or ?  Any photos of that experience ?  Hope you were able to save it. Thanks William

Tom Penton


I had a fire shortly after the start of the 1975 ISDT at the Isle of Man. I believe that I had tickled the Bing carb too much, causing gasoline to pool under the motor. I had wrapped the Air Box with foam and Duct tape in order to dampen noise. They had sound checks during the event, and failing cost valuable points. It is my theory that the gas splashed back into the foam, then something ignited it. I only made it 2 or 3 miles and my Six Days was over. So I certainly didn't "save" the ISDT that year. It didn't take much, however, to get it going back in Ohio: a wiring harness and fuel lines. If only I had those in my fanny pack!

Tom Penton
Tom Penton


You know, that might have got me somewhat excited with my machine starting to burn.  That's a lot of work and travel for that result but I can understand trying to pass the noise test . For us who never experienced that sort of competition only people like yourself educate us on that type of competition. Back in the sticks you run what you brung! All was fun for me in that time frame . Always good to know . thanks


Tom even though your air box caught fire your Theory was solid.  Proof is if you take the cowling off a large outboard engine during acceleration you can hear the noise created from the air entering the engine.  I appreciate your many posts here as you were always so helpful back  in the 1970s.  Thank you.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Tom, I very much appreciate your pictures, and stories. Thanks, Bob