Started by Larry Perkins, August 22, 2020, 03:27:51 PM

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Rick Bennett

My 100 will easily reach the speeds you are looking at and more. My gearing is 15/57 but I would gear higher for your project. I had to carry camping gear and climb mountains. I would start at 15/54 and see what happens. Lower the bike to cut wind resistance. Use an 18" front wheel. It will really help. In a tuck, I was able to go much faster. Check out what speed bicyclists wear for suits and helmets. The motor will have no problem running at full revs for a mile. Mine did it for way longer. Port and balance carefully. Cooling the motor will add power. Are you allowed to spray water on it during the run? Use rear set foot pegs and controls. Are you allowed to use a faring?

Rick Bennett

How about an inter cooler? Pack ice around it. That would really help.

Larry Perkins


On the 100 class I will run in the 21 has to be maintained and rear sets are not allowed. I could use the 32s and run them up to lower but rear shock length can not be changed.  In the 125 class I will run I can change more so will follow your advice.  I appreciate all your advice and help.  Did you build and balance your own wheels and crank?  Any other low friction good rolling tips?

Larry P


Find the lightest pilot possible and have them lose five pounds.

Note: Do not use small children, they will take off with your bike.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Larry Perkins

I am told that weight helps to a certain extent because of the surface.  Experienced people say on a good day that the surface is like wet pavement as far as traction and that weight is a benefit to a certain degree.

Larry P

Rick Bennett

I do all my own work except cylinder boring. Wind resistance will be your biggest problem. Are you able to run wheel covers over the spokes? How about streamlining the fork and frame tubing? Is this allowed? Round tubing has lots of drag. Could you add trailing edges to any parts?

Larry Perkins

On the 100 Production frame Production engine so no streamlining.  You can change tires, bars, and gearing and that is about it.  I have a good amount of body position experience from bicycle time trials and with practice that should help.  Will find out about leading edge but I suspect not.

Larry P

Pat Oshaughnessy

Larry Do you have access to a wheel Dyno ? The more testing you can do before you go the better off your record attempt will be. The Salt is known as the big white destroyer of  Motors.[}:)]

Rick Bennett

If you want help, count me in.

Larry Perkins

Would welcome your expertise Rick!  Would it be best to text, email,or call?

Larry P

Timothy Walls

Make sure to just wear a Speedo and do your best Superman impresion like Rollie Free in his 1948 record breaking run.

Timothy Walls
Timothy Walls

Paul Danik


   I came across a few NOS 50 tooth Hi-Point rear sprockets today while looking for something else. I didn't hold one up to a hub to be perfectly sure, but it looks like an easy bolt on. If you have an interest I would be glad to donate one to the cause :D


Larry Perkins

Paul, that would be very welcomed.  I am building a 100 and a 125.  If you can spare 2 that would be sweet. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Larry P

Paul Danik


   Two it is, no problem. I sent you an email....


Richard Colahan

I may be way off base...but I seem to recall reading some articles that smaller 2 stroke (and 4 stroke for that matter...) bikes did NOT pull the higher gearing anticipated at Bonneville due to the altitude as well as the rolling resistance of the salt. Perhaps try to make contact with some of those small bore racers to see what their experiences were like? Best wishes on a great Penton race project!!! Keep us posted!

Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA