Searching for Swamp Fox Enduro results, early 70s

Started by Paul Knudsen, October 26, 2020, 07:11:16 AM

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Paul Knudsen

I am hoping that some of the riders here may be able to help me out in gathering some history on my current project.

The original owner of the project I am working on, mentioned competing in an enduro that traveled through Hell Hole Swamp in South Carolina.  This would have been likely in the years 1970 thru 1975, and possibly a year or two later.

I asked about Hell Hole Swamp info on a FB group and a person replied stating he believed the event would have been the Swamp Fox Enduro, near Charleston South Carolina, in the  Francis Marion National Forest.

I believe the club the promoted the event was called The Peoples Motorcycle Club or something similar.

Ultimately, my goal is to find the results for the event and specifically, possibly the last event my project bike had competed in.

Any help is appreciated since my internet searching is coming up short on info.



I have some old cycle news papers in my basement from I think the early seventies. I can look if I get a chance. Do you have any idea what time of year this took place?

Paul Knudsen

Unfortunately, I do not know when the events were scheduled, but from reading about later events, it seemed towards April.

Paul Knudsen

Correction to original post.

Family Riders Motorcycle Club is likely the promoting group.

Paul Danik


  I traveled to that event with Jack and Tom Penton in maybe 1973 or 74, pretty sure it was a National. Loved riding it ! If I come across any paperwork on it I will be sure to let you know. I still remember how much fun it was riding the banked ditches that were cut thru the forest, I believe they played some part in their forest fire fighting plan.


Bob Gilman

Wow,This brings back a lot of memories.I rode the Swamp Fox Enduro December 2,1973,this was a 125 mile National Championship Event put on by the "The Family Riders, Inc p.o. box 497 Mt Pleasant,S.C. 29464" somewhere I have the results,The good thing is I was riding a Ossa Six Day which luckily finished the event,But I watched Jack Penton wheelie out or back I can't remember which on a Yellow tank 250 the first one I had ever seen. Later that night I sat at a table with Jack watching "On Any Sunday" movie.When I got back to Maryland I bought my first Penton which I still have.I will try to find the results. Also some one rode the event on a XR75 but don't remember if was a male or female.Thanks For The Memories. Bob

Paul Knudsen

Your welcome on the memories.

Hoping more folks enjoy it as you are, but also will be great if I can find results that this bike competed in.

Bob Gilman

Paul,I looked on line the Family Riders mc club is still active,maybe you could contact them and get some results,I'am sure they have some old records.They also list there full history.  Bob

Paul Knudsen

Curious, do you have any current contact info.

The places I looked at on the internet were nothing recent.  Typically back towards 2012 / 2013.

Even the contact us page showed as blank on my IPad.

Bob Gilman

Try to contact the  they were part of The Family Riders.Best I can do.We might have some one in POG from S.C. that can help.Check with Don Roth he takes care of membership,he might be able to help.

Richard Colahan

Fire cuts cuts!!! About all that we have left as any type of single track in the Pine Barrons of NJ. SOOO much fun to a bob-sled run. Until they get whooped out. Deep, sharp edged nasty whoops! Oh well...we have our memories.
Quotequote:Originally posted by Paul Danik


  I traveled to that event with Jack and Tom Penton in maybe 1973 or 74, pretty sure it was a National. Loved riding it ! If I come across any paperwork on it I will be sure to let you know. I still remember how much fun it was riding the banked ditches that were cut thru the forest, I believe they played some part in their forest fire fighting plan.


Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA

Bob Gilman

Paul,The only thing I can find so far is the Cycle News from the National Enduro I talked about,they list only the top 5 finishers in each class,if you give me a name I can check for it.Sorry.... Bob

Paul Knudsen

Bob Thompson, riding a Rickman Yamaha with an RT360 engine.

I know, not a Penton, please forgive me.


Bob Gilman