Web sight trouble

Started by G Ellis, December 08, 2020, 10:03:09 AM

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G Ellis

Home screen says I am logged in as Paul Danik.


paul a. busick

I like that one. :D Amherst Paul

Timothy Walls

Mine sayes = hanksey

Timothy Walls
Timothy Walls

Dale Fisher


Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
 Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry



I am hanksie and can't log out.I go thru the logout screen,it says I logged out,but when I bring the main screen back I'm still logged in.??????    Regards, Bill

Bob Seymour

It also is not updating responses to topics, like it should.

G Ellis

still won't let me post new topic     There has been a problem!

Invalid UserName or Password!

G Ellis

There has been a problem!

Invalid UserName or Password!

G Ellis

won't let me post New posts


I posted my yearly Merry Christmas! post on Christmas morning - later that day I checked to see if it posted or not- I didn't see it posted, so I re-posted it again (and again). But when I checked again the next day, it was up three times:)


I've been 6 different people over the last few weeks. Feeling a little skitzo.


I have noticed that it takes a long time to show up when you post a new message. It posts sooner or later, but doesn't show up for a while.

Karen Turner

Hi Poggers,
We are still working on the message board problems.  Most likely will be installing a new message board within a month.  Data has to be converted and new software installed and testing before it can be released.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter!

Happy New Year,