George Singler Smith Rd raceway

Started by Try327, March 01, 2021, 01:39:11 PM

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I just wanted everyone to know that I spoke with George's sister today and he is not doing very well. She said that he no longer gets out of bed and it does not look like he has much more time. I met George back in 71 at one of my first MX races and he has been a very big influence on me ever since. I did have the chance to work with him at the racetrack for quite a few years and that time was great along with going to the Vintage races together. Please keep him in your prayers. Greg

Paul Danik

Thanks for the update Greg. Al Born used to tell of going to watch a motorcycle race and seeing George Singler in action and of how he thought to himself that he would love to be able to ride like him someday. I think Al mentioned how George wore a one piece coverall when he raced and of how he sort of rode half standing and half crouched down. In time Al did get to do battle with George on the track, from what I have been told. Two really great men !


paul a. busick

Greg,  Do you have George's address, or email?  I'd like to send a card to him. THANKS,


Paul give me a call 216-906-9253 and I will find it for you.

Tom Penton

Tom Penton


Tom, excellent pictures. Thanks for posting them.