There was this quietly competent Penton dealer

Started by Jim Schneider, November 09, 2021, 07:29:27 PM

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Jim Schneider

Many, if not most of you Poggers have read the latest Keeping Track newsletter by now.
The cover story concerns a friend of mine, Bruce Herbison. He was among the finest, most honest, most generous men I ever hope to encounter.
Bruce's "Penton Life" was set to words by his loving wife of many years, Pat.
Pat, like Bruce, is herself a force of nature; quiet too, but don't get in the way, thank you.
Anyways, you guys have read the words....why are there no words of comment from you? A significant number of you knew him and took his measure; and none were shorted.
I just think ya'll ought to post a few words.

Paul Danik

Hi Jim,

   The Member Profile of Bruce in the latest issue of Still....Keeping Track is an incredible story. So much so that first thing yesterday morning I called Alan Buehner who is the editor to tell him so, and to thank him for his efforts. Alan was quick to redirect the praise to Bruce's wife Pat as according to Alan she deserves the credit for the story.
     Personally, I was able to meet Pat and Bruce at several Penton Owners Group meetings / functions and instantly felt a kinship to those folks, thanks to our common bond of the Penton Sportcycle and John Penton.
     Rest assured Jim, your Great Friend's story has been told and what a story it is. My closing comment to Alan yesterday was that it is a shame that Bruce isn't here to see his photo on the cover of the newsletter and to see his story in print.



The "Member Profiles" are great human interest stories especially when you see how life's events shape the man and the story.  A gem of a read, plus the post card, centerfold and TC interview.  I race in the same class as TC in AHRMA XC events.  It's so hard not to just stop and pull off the track just to watch guys like TC show you how it's done. :)

Al, thanks for your hard work putting all this together.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Jim Schneider

This discussion brings to the fore what a fine job Al B does with the newsletter. He is another unsung force for good.
Pat shared the first draft of her story with me after sending it to Al. Pat thought it was "too wordy". Al advised her "the wordy ones are the best ones!". It seems Al was correct.
I hope each POG member has such fine Penton memories as Bruce's, Pat's, Paul's, Pete's, and mine.
Odd thing I have to share. In Bruce's duties with the road commission he and I did considerable business together. He purchased repair parts for Champion and John Deere motor graders and John Deere wheel loaders and I was the parts manager for the Grand Rapids dealership which sold them. I knew Bruce for 20 years without a clue to a Penton connection.
Motorsickles never came up. I missed some good times there, I fear.
Enjoy your Pentons, folks.


It was a pleasure putting this article together for the POG newsletter. I always enjoy doing member profiles on our members who were Penton dealers. Pat did a wonderful job in honoring Bruce by sharing his story. She provided all of the wording and photos. This made it easy for me to put the finishing touches on it. All I basically had to do was drop in the photos. Extra copies of the newsletter were sent to Pat for her family members.
I am happy that you have enjoyed reading it. I too am grateful for meeting Bruce at the many POG meeting and events over the years and will miss him.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

rob w

Bruce Herbison's Penton shop was about 5 miles from my grandparents house. In '73 and '74 I went there a couple times, but never caught him open. It was always on a weekend, he was probably off riding, or racing. I remember once I got out of the car, and took a picture of the door to his shop. The door's exterior was covered in all the coolest Penton / Hi-Point stickers.
 Many years later I met Bruce at a POG event, the first thing I talked about was that door. Great guy, he would sit and talk about Pentons all day.