Penton Facebook pages, please read and comment if you wish.

Started by Paul Danik, September 20, 2022, 03:53:15 PM

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Paul Danik

Greetings. Just in case some of you are not aware, there are two and maybe more Facebook pages that have an abundance of Penton motorcycle related activity most every day. The Facebook pages that I speak of were created by and are overseen by past POG President Dale Fisher and POG / Penton good friend Brian Kirby. I know some of you do not want to become part of anything Facebook related but let me say there is lots of great stuff that you are missing out on. Us Penton enthusiasts are certainly indebted to both Dale and Brain for their efforts. One does need to register to use these Facebook pages, possibly Dale and / or Brian can chime in and explain how simple that process is and maybe tell of any pitfalls there may be to joining Facebook, if there are any.  I am most certainly not wanting to lead anyone down a trail they do not want to ride, but you may find it to be one of the best sections ever, that is for you to decide.

This POG website is in a transition stage and will ultimately be the home of an abundance of photos and Penton information and will be an incredible research center for all things Penton related, plus the messageboard and several other areas as deemed necessary.

I just don't want folks who have so much to offer, or who may really enjoy all of the activity, to not become part of the Penton / POG Facebook community. The water is fine, stick a toe in it and see for yourself.....   If you have an opinion or comment either way, please feel free to post it.    Thanks  Paul



Great topic Paul, thanks for raising.  I like and use both platforms but will continue to use this one as my primary technical information source because information on FB pages is fleeting.  You see something one day and there is no good way to find it the next, vs. here where we have 20+ years of Q&A, advice, tech tips, etc. that is easily searchable. 

One other item, I know many, but not all folks that post here are members of POG.  I see a lot of the same folks on FB, but also see lots of others there who post up a storm on those pages and then just disappear vs. the consistency here.  Probably just me not keeping track with the times.


Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint


Thanks for posting this Paul.  I too will remain here and not on Facebook.  Like Kevin stated, finding info on Facebook can be a challange.  Here, it is much easier to search for info I am looking for.  Thanks again!
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6

Don Roth

Just my $0.02, as someone whom pounds a keyboard for a living, joined FB a couple of years ago, however when I finally realized what Mr. Z was selling,( the connections between users and not the content), the crumudgen in me said no more. While it is a good place, my wife uses it routinely, I chose to opt out, which truth be told took way more effort than to join. Your mileage may vary, and again, just my opinion.

Paul Danik

Thanks for the input, if you wish to comment from either side of the fence, or even if you are a fence straddler, please feel free to do so. Paul


I am a member of one of the fb pages and didn't realize there were two until I read this posting. Thanks Paul, I promptly joined the other fb page! I am on this forum daily and really treasure the knowledge base here but I like having the other resource too. Hank

Daniel P. McEntee

   I reluctantly got on Facebook when I retired, mainly because people suggested that is was easier to find old friends, stay in touch with family and such. It is all of that, and I have signed onto many other groups also, primarily  for the social aspect of keeping in touch and helping some one out. But like it has already been stated, it is very difficult to retrace your steps or search out information on FB. I was a member of several groups on the old  (really strange calling it THAT!!) YAHOO Special Interest Groups site and when that went away, I just about cried thinking about all the valuable archives of information that were lost when that happened. All the technical write ups, charts, lists, schematics, photos and endless stories that have disappeared is a crying shame!!! All lost, and most of the people that provided that information are gone now also. I hope that what has been built up here is going to be around for a long , long time because as long as there are motorcycles, people will hear about Pentons and will want to know more about them, and it quite literally all right here. Even some of the people that lived the history of the brand and the building of it's foundation.
  Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee


FWIW I'm a FB user.  I also consider myself a bit of an introvert. My opinion is 90% of FB is a "Look At Me", "Look what I bought",  "Look what I did" brag board.  It's more about people wanting to get noticed. The other 10% is really very useful; files, relevant communication and resources are readily at hand.  If you can get past and filter out the junk that you don't want to deal with it is very useful.  FB is what you want it to be.
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good