Help me Pay for Pentons

Started by imported_n/a, November 08, 2002, 10:52:38 AM

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My Penton addiction is forcing me to sell some of my "other" addiction.  If you visit // you will see some bottles I'm selling so I can pay for my Penton projects this winter (as well as the University of Iowa, where my daughter is currently attending.)
If you then click on the words "Large Format Bordeaux" on the right side of the screen, you will get a detailed description and current bid prices.

Help a poor Penton owner finish his projects this winter!


Edited by - glenn sonntag on 11/08/2002  12:15:03 PM

Edited by - glenn sonntag on 11/08/2002  12:15:44 PM

Edited by - glenn sonntag on 11/08/2002  12:16:12 PM

Edited by - glenn sonntag on 11/08/2002  12:17:14 PM