2023 Vintage 1000 Utah

Started by Rick Bennett, May 31, 2023, 07:59:54 AM

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Rick Bennett

Tomorrow is the day four of us will leave for another grand adventure. Two Penton and two Honda motorcycles are being loaded up. Merv from New Jersey is arriving this afternoon to join brother Randy, son in law Nick, and yours truly to do five 200 mile days in the sand and rocks of Utah. Merv is on a XL250, Randy a Champion framed XL350, Nick on a Six Days and me on my trusty Berkshire. Nick has just completed his first Penton and will be breaking it in properly. Other than a couple quick trips around the block, he has never been on one of John's best. It will be interesting to hear what he thinks after five hard days in the saddle.

The Vintage 1000 starts next Monday with a riders meeting and roll chart prep Sunday evening. Salt Lake City is the jumping off point, with the trail heading south in a big loop, ending back at the start. Twenty five riders signed up plus support crew, trailer of shame, and sweep rider Adam. Speed Deluxe out of Chattanooga, TN puts these events together several times each year. Their information can be found on a web site if anyone is interested.

I will do my best to keep up with this post daily.

Ride it out of the crate.


Rick Bennett

Nick's newly completed Six Days photo test.

paul arthur busick

Good luck to you and your friends and may the weather be good.  Have a safe ride.  Paul Busick

Don Roth

Have a great ride and please send on the pictures, even the ones with the broken honda(s).