John Penton at August POG meeting

Started by ALB, August 04, 2023, 09:52:33 AM

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   Jack Penton surprised us last night by bringing John to the August POG meeting. In gratitude for John showing up, President Rick Bennett handed the gavel to John to bring the meeting to order.
   John is looking good and as John admitted at the meeting, his body is healthy however with his early stages of dementia, his mind is going through confusion in that he cannot remember names.
   Jack let everyone know that in 16 days, John will be turning 98 years old on August 19th. With that in mind, we all sang "Happy Birthday" to John and gave him a round of applause.
   John was given the honor to bang the gavel once more to close the meeting.

It was a good meeting. 
Alan Buehner


This is a photo of John Penton at the POG meeting on August 3rd.
Alan Buehner

Don Roth

Al and Jack,
Thanks for the update, having lost two relatives to that Altz disease, names are unimportant, call me what you will, just call me for supper.