Sachs selector key replacement

Started by Bill Campbell, October 11, 2023, 12:36:03 AM

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Bill Campbell

Hi Gentlemen. I am trying to replace the selector key on a Sachs 6 speed but it does not want to unscrew. I am being gentle with it so obviously I need to use more force but any ideas on how much is too much and if there are any handy hints that might get the key undone would be greatly appreciated. Cheers from Oz

Paul Danik

Hi Bill. I am pretty sure you are a Penton Owners Group member, and you should have a POG newsletter handy. Look inside the front cover and you should see POG President Rick Bennett's email address. Drop Rick a line and he will be able to help you as he is a car engine builder by trade and does Sachs engines as well.

Hope this helps.

Bill Campbell

Thanks for replying Paul. Unfortunately there is no email address for Rick Bennett on the inside of Still Keeping Track. Not a problem if somebody else reads this they may have it. I will also email Al B and see if he can send it to me. Meanwhile I will have another go at unscrewing tonight... but gently. Stay safe

Paul Danik

Bill, I emailed Rick with your question so hopefully he will chime in. It is a few decades since I was doing those engines, but if I remember correctly, we used to put a little Loc Tite on the threads of the selector rod to keep the key tight, so that may be making yours a little hard to break loose. I am also thinking that there was a special tool that Hi-Point sold that fit over the end of the rod and fit the area of the rod made for a wrench to fit and a rachet would fit that tool, but I may be wrong. ( long time ago !)   

Bill Campbell

Paul thanks for your assistance. I tried again with a little heat just in case there was some loctite but still could not budge the key. Will wait to see if Rick joins in. If not may just use the key as is and enjoy.

G Ellis

Heat it up hot, that is the only way it will come off.

Kip Kern

Red locktite requires a lot of heat like Gary said. The Sachs selector key tool is a big help in removing and installing keys. Always use a drop of red locktite during installation and the beveled side of the key goes towards the shank of the rod

Bill Campbell

Thanks for the extra help/suggestions. Got a mate to look at it. He buzzed the selector piece with his TIG and that was sufficient heat to break the loctite. All good. On with the rebuild