OK...I need sum help!

Started by Monty, January 23, 2003, 06:45:06 PM

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Pentonites...I need some advice on what type of lighting to go with. I realy don't know what all to go for in order to make the lights work. I assume that I can purchase a regulator and a NiCad battery in order to create the electrical current I need. Suggestions anyone...What do I need to look for & what are some major no no's.

Edited by - monty on 01/23/2003  6:46:23 PM

Tom Gougeon


Does your Penton have lighting coils? I am assuming that because you used the phase "create the current" that you do NOT have lighting coils.
There are better battery choices than NiCad. Look in an electronic supplier's catalog for gel-pack batteries. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, behave much like wet-cell batteries, but won't spill or leak. They do have to be recharged however, but if you're just trying to pass a license inspection, they will last long enough. If you do have lighting coils, whatever you do, DO NOT connect a battery to the coils! There's a good chance that the battery will permanently burn out the lighting coils and if  you start the motor, the battery may explode!
If you properly size the head light, in terms of wattage, there's no need for a regulator. Too large (high wattage) of a headlight will burn out the lighting coils, too small and the head light will burn out. My '75 250 has the large "CEV" headlight and I have no need for a regulator. My son's XR350 will burn out an automotive high beam halogen bulb in a heart beat with out a regulator.
I don't know what the output of the Motoplat lighting coils is, perhaps some more expert POGGER's can help out here.

Hope that helps, Good Luck!


Tom Gougeon


Does your Penton have lighting coils? I am assuming that because you used the phase "create the current" that you do NOT have lighting coils.
There are better battery choices than NiCad. Look in an electronic supplier's catalog for gel-pack batteries. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, behave much like wet-cell batteries, but won't spill or leak. They do have to be recharged however, but if you're just trying to pass a license inspection, they will last long enough. If you do have lighting coils, whatever you do, DO NOT connect a battery to the coils! There's a good chance that the battery will permanently burn out the lighting coils and if  you start the motor, the battery may explode!
If you properly size the head light, in terms of wattage, there's no need for a regulator. Too large (high wattage) of a headlight will burn out the lighting coils, too small and the head light will burn out. My '75 250 has the large "CEV" headlight and I have no need for a regulator. My son's XR350 will burn out an automotive high beam halogen bulb in a heart beat with out a regulator.
I don't know what the output of the Motoplat lighting coils is, perhaps some more expert POGGER's can help out here.

Hope that helps, Good Luck!