Bing 40-404 Vaporizer

Started by Gavin Housh, March 31, 2003, 09:01:02 PM

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Gavin Housh

Some time ago someone posted an article from keeping track written by John Penton. The article has a wealth of information about carb size and jetting. My question is where can I find that article again, and who has the 40-404 vaporizers? I thought this websight was going to have a library of sorts to compile articles and info pretaining to the Penton bikes.

Thank you,
Gavin Housh


john durrill

 My son and i have a site in Yahoo groups  that we use for POG as a library.  Its  free space, about 50 meg. it has the article you are looking for posted on it. try Larry or Al and see if they have the 40-404. you need to rejet if you put one in a carb that didnt come with it. the suggested jet info is in the article. here is the short cut to the Yahoo site.
John & Peter


Gavin Housh

John, I am unable to use the yahoo site. It will not allow me to enter the site. Please inform me in layman terms (english) how to get in! Gavin


Mark Annan

You will need to join the group.  Go to the main page of the site .  In the upper right area is a "join this group" link.  Click on the link, do the sign up procedure and you're in.

The info is in the files and photo sections.

Mark A


john durrill

 thanks i didnt get to check the board in time to answer.


Gavin Housh

Guys. I still can't or won't be subjected to what feels like some kind of Nazi organization. I'm speaking of Yahoo. Why would I want to give yahoo a ton of personal information over the internet just so I can look at some jetting specs from thirty years ago! Would it be so they can bombard my email with junk, or is it so they can make my computer more vunerable to pop up adds? If there are articles that are Penton related and or Keeping track articles then shouldn't we be able to link them directly to the POG web site for folks like myself that don't spend eight hours a day in front of a computer and aren't into all the Yahoo like crap. Sorry if I seem a little pissed but it's been a year that I tried to get this information and I'm still getting nowhere. G man.

john durrill

 You can sign up on Yahoo and give them nothing but your name. We didnt even give them our home e-mail address. We use a hotmail account instead.
You have to go through the sign up and uncheck all the boxes that are not required. That just about negates any spam e-mail.
 Having said that chuckle chuckle! It is a free web site that I could use to upload pictures and files to with out haveing to know or work with HTML. 50 megs of storage Any member can upload a file or picture and the group can share it with out a webmaster haveing to be involved. Its just a stop gap measure till POG has the resources to offer the members a library.
 Send me an e-mail and i can attach the article to a reply and you can down load and print it that way.:)
 John D.

john durrill

Gavin i sent the first 3 pages just now. if they get through ill send the others. Let me know ok?
JOhn D.


John since you are the "group owner moderator "  If you have Gavin,s email address you could just invite him to join and he is set to go ..... :)bt

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

john durrill

 I think you have to have a Yahoo account set up for mail or messenger for that to work . It would be a lot easier if that were not the case.
 Its the downside to using the internet. The up side is we can post things everyone in the group can use at no charge. Any POG member can access it from anywhere in the world.
 For POG to give us as members this web site we enjoy so much it cost's money. Money for the web site and money for someone ( the web master) to keep the site updated. All of us are able to talk and share things, find parts and bikes, enjoy owning and competing with our Pentons because Someone thought it was worth their time and effort to do this for us.
 Having said that chuckle chuckle!
 I would like to ask anyone that has an article , pictures or information that would help US as a Group keep our Pentons competing and running to scan and send Admin and or me the files. That kind of knowledge has a way of becoming lost over time. Here is an example.
 In the paper work we got with my sons 175 Piner there was a small sheet. Just a 2 inch buy 3 and 1/2 inch note that had the instructions for rebuilding and adjusting the dampening of Konie shocks
We were able to scan and post it to our library.
 Clutch pushrod length for KTM engines ,connecting rod side clearance, wiring diagrams for the 2 or 3 ( maybe more) motoplats that came stock on Pentons, how to remove stuck swing arm bushings, paint codes or rattle can suppliers  for painting the frames, engines and side covers , etc .......... etc.
 Maintained info , like how to set the brakes up after shoe replacement. Front brake cable design and who makes the best cable for max braking ( it makes a  difference which one you use).  Expansion chamber specs ( this is a biggie). At one time someone at Penton Imports and or KTM had these. There are some suppliers making pipes now but when they no longer offer the pipe's where can we get one made? With the specs on a pipe we will be able to continue having replacements made or make them ourselves.
  Wow that was a bunch of stuff!!!!!! Sorry guys , must the strain of not going to the RR this year, having a vacation day and being stuck at home while something as great as the Reunion Ride is going on. Chuckle chuckle!!!!
John D.
 PS. 20 years from now I would like for as many Pentons as are now running to still be in service. Please help  in making that happen