C virus

Started by Mike Lenz, May 06, 2003, 09:49:35 PM

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Mike Lenz

there is a 9-11/wtc virus going around. Be careful of any e mails relating to such topic.



Mike, Thank you for the virus warning.  I am a real beginner at this and need all the help and hints I can get.  Gram_lady



Viruses are nasty little things, they creep up when least expected, so key words, never open an email from someone you do not know, make sure your email machine is not set to "auto-preview" this allows the email to auto open and launch the payload !!!!Can you spell MOAB (military one you-know") I use AVG from //www.grisoft.com, they have a free 30 day eval etc... its only $40 and it works....keep it clean, pray for the best, prepare for the worst.....

Thomas Brosius


Another interesting topic, "unnanounced pop-ups" while browsing in general....There are services which can run in the background on your PC, they come from service providers who make money by tracking where you have been on th WEB. this is done by collecting info from the "cookies" that are exchanged between servers. A good deal has been written about this in PC mag....You can use "Spybot" to remove these broadcasttype of services with their software....Call them "commie pinkos" can't say!!!! Collect info!!! They will!!! Protect your-slf.....

Thomas Brosius


Mike, Thank you for the virus warning.  I am a real beginner at this and need all the help and hints I can get.  Gram_lady



Viruses are nasty little things, they creep up when least expected, so key words, never open an email from someone you do not know, make sure your email machine is not set to "auto-preview" this allows the email to auto open and launch the payload !!!!Can you spell MOAB (military one you-know") I use AVG from //www.grisoft.com, they have a free 30 day eval etc... its only $40 and it works....keep it clean, pray for the best, prepare for the worst.....

Thomas Brosius


Another interesting topic, "unnanounced pop-ups" while browsing in general....There are services which can run in the background on your PC, they come from service providers who make money by tracking where you have been on th WEB. this is done by collecting info from the "cookies" that are exchanged between servers. A good deal has been written about this in PC mag....You can use "Spybot" to remove these broadcasttype of services with their software....Call them "commie pinkos" can't say!!!! Collect info!!! They will!!! Protect your-slf.....

Thomas Brosius