Bobby Lucas

Started by Bobby Lucas, July 21, 2003, 10:52:46 PM

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Bobby Lucas

I just wanted to thank everyone for their concern for Bobby. He is doing well, considering. He does have 3 broken ribs and a punctured lung. The Doctor tells me everything will be alright. He is strong and will pull through. He is still in Ohio. We will be able to bring him home in 3-5 days. Once again thank you! Karen

Bobby Lucas
Bobby Lucas


Hi Karen. I did not know. I called the house-forgetting about the national to tell Bobby to hack the 420 motor I sent for any parts he might need. Renessa, Morgan and I are praying for him. If there's anything we can do contact us. James (Jim ) and Renessa

I have bike parts in the kitchen cabinets where most people have dishes..
7\\" and 4\\" travel? Hmm-that makes 11\\" Hey! I can live with that.

Steve Minor

Karen....please give Bobby my very best wishes in hopes for a speedy recovery.

Steve Minor

Steve Minor

Randy Kirkbride

Karen & Bobby,
I'm located about 60 miles from Lexington, so if I can do anything from this end to help before you to return to TX call me at 740-819-4481.



Bobby and Karen,

Rosemary and I are praying for your speedy recovery and a safe trip back to Texas.



Larry Perkins


Tell Bobby he will be charging up San Juan hill again soon.  He will know what I mean.



I talked to Bobby twice today and he is trying to be in good spirits, but I think the hospital is getting to him.  I feel anything any of us can do for him would be greatly appreciated. Our President Al Buehner has done his normal great job of trying to do anything he can to make Booby's stay as pleasent as possible.  His phone number is 419.526.8350.  Something about those ribs hurting a lot more the older you get(did I say that.  Bobby is a well respected member of the POG and needs our prayers.  Thanks Ron Carbaugh

Ron Carbaugh


I called Bobby yesterday (Friday). He sounded pretty good. The doctors have someything holding his lung in place to prevent another puncture. I don't know when he can be moved. He was talking about the TVRC schedule and tracks. Good spirits. He didn't know how bad his bike was. I told him it had to be in better shape than him LOL.

 He started to move around to get something by his bed to tell me about. If anyone else sees him-tell him to keep still-or I will  stuff a rag in his airbox. LOL
 thanks, James

I have bike parts in the kitchen cabinets where most people have dishes..
7\\" and 4\\" travel? Hmm-that makes 11\\" Hey! I can live with that.

Steve Minor

Any update on Bobby's condition?

Steve Minor


Steve-he went home this week. I only know that since it was posted on TVRC website. I will try to call tomorrow(Sunday). thanks, James

I have bike parts in the kitchen cabinets where most people have dishes..
7\\" and 4\\" travel? Hmm-that makes 11\\" Hey! I can live with that.

Dennis D

I called him friday and he was in the garage. He seemed in good spirits and was talking about going back to work when the Dr. turned him loose. He did catch his breath when he laughed,but I expected that with broken ribs. He said that he had about 40 phone calls. Dennis D


Steve Minor

I just talked to Bobby and he's feeling much better. He's back at work and is tinkering in his garage. He sends much thanks to all who called and to all that remembered him in prayer.

Edited by - steve minor on 08/07/2003  8:49:38 PM
Steve Minor