Penton Man WINS!!

Started by Mike, August 24, 2003, 11:23:11 PM

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Yes indeed the penton man took his class!!----------ON A HUSKY!!!!---------------Husky Rules!


I think it's great that the Penton Man won. The 2nd part of your posting somehow did'n make it to the right owners group, after all this is the PENTON Owners Group!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Donny - You may need to loan "The Monster" so Larry can win on his true love.  Way to go Larry.  You are the THE MAN.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Larry Perkins

OKAY,OKAY!  I have a MC5 125 that I will pick up this week and debut at the next MOVMX race on Sept 18.  Also I may have a deal made to get a 125 Six Days that over the winter I will CRANKEify and build a big brother for my Berkshire.  I am also completing but for next season a 125 Sportsman KTM powered 125 Penton.  That way I could race a PENTON in 125 Classic, 125 Sportsman, and 125 Historic.  Now where I race these and when is still in the works.

Thanks for the Congrats, though.  I have caught alot of flack for racing this Husky and it being talked about here.  I am a Penton Owners Group member even while I am on a Husqvarna.  Food for thought for in the end we are all Vintage Brothers and a man can have more than one brand.  

Anyway, with the new additions to the stable I will become more Pentonacious and hopefully you guys will be more Pentogracious.  I do love that little Husky, though.


Mick Milakovic

Hey!  I'm in this bandwagon too!  Currently racing a 390 Husky and currently restoring a 250 Penton!  Does that make me Pento-nomonous?

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN


Hey guys, I wansn't dogging anyone, I was just tyring to be funny! It ws a joke, and I didn't mean to offend anyone, most of all the great Penton Man. I do think Larry could win even if he was riding a Vespa.
Sorry if I offended anyone.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


AW-come on guys!! LIGHTEN-UP! I was just foolin with ya! Besides Larry and I matched in our Jerseys!

Dennis Jones

As soon as I get my Penton collection complete I want to get me one of them Huskervarners.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Dave Withrow

    You can borrow mine anytime.  Best weed-eater I ever owned.  I heard they made motorcycles too!


Larry Perkins


You didn't offend me.  You are too nice a guy to be like that.  I was just having some fun too.  You are however overrating my abilities though.  I am flattered but on a Vespa?  I wish.  I feel I have always been a decent rider that went further because he had alot of heart and gave tons of effort.  Medium abilities-Lots of heart.  That is my athletic abilities in a nutshell.  


A weedeater.  Now my question is can a KTM mountainbike get through the woods quicker than a Husqvarna chain saw?



Larry your abilities speak for themselves and I hope you are always able to ride at the level you do until that checked flag that you make the decision to stop racing.  Thanks for setting the example of being the rider you are and have been over the years.  It wasn't easy in your early days of racing in Texas, but you learned being among some great riders.  Thanks for comittment.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mick Milakovic

Larry, if the woods are thick I'll take the chain saw!  

Maybe somebody could design some jerseys for us using the Penta-Varna theme from a Husqvarna sewing machine!

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN