ISDT Reunion

Started by Paul Danik, October 06, 2003, 02:15:24 PM

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Paul Danik

I would like to thank the Pathfinders MC Club, Bob Hicks, and all of their helpers for putting on a fantastic event.  A special thanks also to John Leone for getting the 1973 ISDT film transfered to DVD, those DVDs were a big hit at the reunion.  Also thanks to the Hoellerick family for allowing the Pathfinders to use their beautiful farm as the home base for the whole event.  Jim Hoellerich's collection of ISDT memorabilia along with his collection of motorcycles sure made his museum a hit with everyone.
   Again, thanks to all for a wonderful and memorable time. Now to try and dry out everything and get the body to quit complaining!!!

Paul Danik

PS  Thanks also to Doug Wilford for pushing me to complete my 1973 ISDT 125 Penton so I could ride it in the reunion!!



Paul thanks for the update.  With you gone the Forum went on vacation.  Turn on the light that Ted DeSolar you gave and get something started.  Sorry to miss the Reunion, but it sounded fun.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Paul,
Any info on when the rest of us POG members can buy the DVD?



Randy I copied this from the Vinduro Board,,Brian T

ISDTRR program books are available. Within the U.S., price of $9.00
includes the book, postage, and handling. Please send check or money
order (made payable to Pathfinders MC) to:

Pathfinders MC
c/o John Leone
4 Eustis Avenue
Wakefield, MA 01880

Don't forget to include your ship-to address.

Outside of the U.S., postage TBD. Please e-mail your address to me
at [email protected] and I'll check on shipping costs and advise.

Also, we shot lots of video footage at the ISDTRR. It'll be a while
before we edit it but I will keep Vinduro folks posted. When it's
ready, you'll be able to order it directly from Jay Duchin, Duchin
Productions (Lynnfield, MA). Jay's email address is
[email protected]. VHS video will be $19.95 plus $5
shipping; DVD will be $24.95 plus $5.00 shipping. Eventually, there
will also be ordering info for video documentary on the Pathfinders
website, //

John Leone

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

rob w

I can hardly find the words to begin, this event was so incredibly wonderful I'm still reeling with excitement on cloud nine. The way I'm feeling at this moment is, I may never come down, nor should I, I will forever be thankful and grateful that I was blessed with the opportunity to experience and witness the beauty and magic of the 7th ISDT Reunion in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. I can now explain to others what my heaven is going to be like when I get there. I could go on forever right now, I've pretty much hit the climax I was hoping for one day, but I better get back to work after a year of playing with my Pentons. You can be sure I'll be back soon, there's too much I'd like to say to stop here. To everyone that was there and everyone responsible for creating the utopia that it became, thank you a million times, I want to say I love you all, can I say that?

Bob Wardlow
Grand Rapids, Mich.
1975 Penton 400
Bronze medalist


Kip Kern

Wow, what a weekend!  Thanks to everyone involved in the organization of the ISDT reunion ride, I will be sore for a week!  What an honor it was to see so many vets and their participation in the event.  Jeff, Jack, and Tom Penton  can still kick "booty" on a bike.  I will never forget the smile on John Pentons face while watching his sons out having fun or the smile and kind "wave" that I received from Dick Mann while out participating in the Sunday moto. These memories I shall cherish for the rest of my life!  Thanks to all, especially the Pathfinders MC for such a great event.  See you next year!


Dwight Rudder

Paul, What happened to you . Didn't see you Sunday ???? You were in second and Jeff P. in 3rd. at Saturday's end. They finally got the scoring done about 7:30pm Sunday. I finished 1st in Classic Exp. Jeff Penton 2nd. Jeff smoked me in final MX . They threw out Sunday's second Cross Country due to Computer failure and lots of miss scores. I had been looking forward to our usual battle during the MX, but someone said you had hurt your back.

Brian Taylor, get back to me on the mugs as Debbie said you didn't come by when she was there. She may have been in camper next door.

It was a real challenge this year. I can appreciate the toughness of the original event.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.

Randy Kirkbride

Thanks Brian,
It's in the mail.


Steve Minor

I return from the ISDT-RR with new respect for all the vet riders. My body aches, my bike is broken and my ego is bruised but I wouldn't trade anything for the experience. Thanks Pathfinders! I hope to make (and finish this time) the ride next year. Did I hear someone say Arkansas?

ps: The two guys on the sidecar were unreal! How in the world did they go through some of those rough sections on a sidecar?

Edited by - steve minor on 10/07/2003  2:31:24 PM
Steve Minor

steve erickson

I'm glad everybody had a great time!The weekend won't be forgotten by myself and the rest of the Pathfinders anytime soon.Sorry about the weather and really sorry about the scoring.Thanks everybody for leaving the farm pretty much litter free.Clean up and packing up went pretty smooth and I got back to home sweet home about 5 PM.A good night's sleep and I still feel pooped!!!
Thanks again and if we owe you a medal it will be sent out to you.
Steve Erickson-Pathfinders M/C



I heard Paul hurt his butt,not is back.You need to ride your vintage steed more often to harden your bottom! The rain and cold just added more flavor to the Event and made much more realistic.

Jeff D

The 7th ISDTRR is history and it WAS history!  WOW, what a gathering.  Once in a lifetime...well, maybe twice, once in 1973 and once now.  A GREAT weekend and many thanks to the Pathfinders and all the other clubs who helped them make it so.  It needs to be at least 3 days long....I missed meeting and chatting with far too many people...POGers, Vinduro-ites, Six Days heroes, old friends from NETRA and my hometown..the list goes on, but what a great time.  Can't wait til next year!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Dave Withrow

I was a sophmore in high school in '73, and remember following that ISDT team.  That group was, and always will be my heros.  I remember riding the fire roads and trails in West Va. on a Six Day 125 thinking "someday".
What a great sight and event it must have been this year.  I wish I could have been there.  You guys continue to be my heros, and I am honored to be associated with my fellow POGGERS.  Next year....who knows.  I still keep thinking, "Someday".


rob w

I'd like to understand more about the problems they had with scoring the ride, who can explain that? and after the fact, could anything be done to correct the faults, and revise the over-all outcome.
Not that it really matters that much, I finished, and that meant the most, but I was baffled how I went from silver status on Sat. after just (what I felt to be) an okay performance and getting lost by almost 10 miles and falling behind by 17 minutes. To bronze on Sun. after a ripping good ride all day and finishing 2nd on the grass track.

Were the scoring faults in the special test times on Sunday?
Any info would be mucho appreciated, thanks!

Again, I was already rewarded with more pleasure, friendships, thrills, and ever-lasing Penton pride from this event than I could have ever dreamed of.

Just between me and you, all the medals are made of the same steel, the gold is'nt really made of gold :). The most appropriate thing I could have recieved could have been "soap-on-a-rope"

Thanks, Bob


steve erickson

Bob- the scoring snafu was due to the computer out on the special test.Half way through the day,the computer crashed and somehow the scorers got 1 minute off the actual time resulting in throwing out the test.