Sachs trouble

Started by SCOTT CURTIS, November 11, 2003, 07:26:50 PM

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I purchased a 1972 Six Days from a fellow who never had the bike running.  I had Doug Wilford replace the seals and gaskets and I replaced the float, float needle, float seat and the rubber part at the bottom of the plunger, all of my jets are clear.  I cannot get the bike to run, the plug is wet with gas and there seems to be good spark. Doug mention the motor had very little time on it. The bike has a Wisco piston which looks brand new, like whoever put the piston in the bike was never able to get the bike running.

My question is this: Does the Wisco piston require a different Ingition timing.  It is 3.25mm BTDC, in accordance with the manual.  I thought perhaps the dome is different than stock and perhaps required a different setting.  I know I am groping however I cannot think of anything else to try.  Any help/suggestions will be appreciated

Kip Kern


Go 3mmBTDC on the timing, make sure that you have a good ground on the engine and ignition, don't use any choke when trying to start.  If you have spark and fuel, it should fire!  I had the same problem on an earlier bike and found that I couldn't touch the throttle or choke and the bike starts on the first kick!


I had this same thing happen and found that the choke was hung open down inside the carb. jon flannery

jon flannery
jon flannery

Dennis D

Scott, I just went through the same thing with my Piner. I could get mine to fire on ocasion and when it did it ran great in the mid to upper range so I thought I had a carb problem. After jetting and kicking my a-- off, I tried another coil. The bike starts cold now with about 6 kicks max and is a one kicker hot. My bike would fire every time with the plug out of the bike but under compression it just would not generate enough spark to do the job. Never trust a motosplat! Dennis D


Thanks for the replys everyone.  All things considered I am going to send the motoplat system to Dane for testing tomorrow.

Kip Kern

Good idea Scott, I sent Dane a few Motoplats, including a NOS unit, and the NOS unit tested "marginal" while one of the used units tested very good, and the rest were "junk".  Be sure to send the coils too and he will test them!  Good Luck!

Larry Perkins

Also send the flywheel and Dane will remagnetize it.


Could someone please post the contact information for Dane?

Steve Minor

Wrecker....try this web address for testing your electronics.
Steve Minor

[email protected]

Try putting a timing light on the bike and kicking it over.This usually requires an
 assistant.I have had numerous occasions where a bad coil will spark with the plug on the head but not under compression this will tell the tale for you.