Trail Rider mag cover shot!!!

Started by Paul Danik, December 01, 2003, 05:11:24 PM

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Paul Danik

"Young Ted" Del Solar is featured on the cover of the Dec.2003 Trail Rider Magazine, and of course he is on his Penton. The picture is from the  ISDT Reunion Ride. It says, "Ted is going to be 75 this year but he and his wife Connie have more energy and enthusiasm than a dozen of us youngsters".
   This sure is a very deserving honor for Ted and Connie. When I grow up I wanna be just like Ted!!!
Paul Danik

Doug Wilford

Fantastic, give Paul Clipper a round of applause.    Ted is the man and Connie is the loving wife that supports him.  Cudos to you both, and Mr. Clipper.   :D

rob w

Wow, that's great news. "Young Ted" is an amazing and remarkable man, I love being around Ted and Connie, they always make my day better. I certainly hope I'll be half the man Ted is when I'm 75.
I won't be able to find that magazine around my town, I'll see if I can find their web site to order one and subscribe.
Thanks Paul, I hope to be riding with Ted and ya'all more in 2004, I'm planning to head for the U.P. when the snow is gone to learn more about the trails up there.


Mark Annan

Good for Ted.  I have had the distinct pleasure of riding with Ted at the last two Reunion Rides ( we started within a couple of minutes of eachother ).  He just keeps on going.  There was a bit of a bit of a traffic jam on a rocky up hill.  Ted just wondered what all the fuss was for, then he motored on up.  He has a nice quote in the Reunion Ride video.    In a part about the weather/trail conditions he says "you can't beat it, well you could, but why?  It's great"  

Yep,  I too want to be like Ted when I grow up.  



I wouldn't mind being like Ted either, but I just don't want to grow up!!

Paul Danik

I just got off the phone with Paul Clipper of Trail Rider Magazine and he says he still has some of the Dec. issues for sale.  Just go to // and send him an email to make arrangements to get a copy of this collectors edition. I plan on taking my copy to the POG meeting on Thursday and having Ted sign it!!!! If you were at the reunion ride you should have a copy of this article for your collection of reunion items.

May I suggest that you try a years subscription to Trail Rider, Paul has always been supportive of the ISDTRR and this is a nice way to return his support.  Besides, it seems that a lot of us POGGERS have modern trail machines and there are lots of articles and tips geared towards us trail riders.
Paul Danik


I can't seem to find Clipper's email address on the site.  How am I missing it?

Paul Danik

    I just assumed that it was there, you know what they say about assume!!!!!!! Try this.  [email protected]

Mars Man out, Rocket!!!


I went to the ISDTRR with my father (tech editor UTH) and had an amazing time. He also raced, ( finished on silver) and had a great time. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. As a 17 year old, i must say i felt a bit out of place there, but i love vintage bikes and had hoped to race my 81 250 gs there this year but no luck. thanks for a great site guys.


Contacted Trail Rider, ordered a subscription and the Dec issue.  Thanks for the heads up.


This is my first try at this sort of thing, but I must answer the biggest misconception. If you grow up you are not going to be like me. Rocket has it right and all of this is his fault. Had he not sold me his Penton I might have ended up with a Husky. My thanks to all of you, for I would not be where I am today without your association. Lucky, maybe, but I believe what luck you have is of your own doing. The best example is of course Connie. I know Paul is going to ask how come I made the cover of Trail Rider. You simply have to pull the right chain Paul. I believe the up one has the brass link. Enough for now, have to get ready to leave for Amherst tomorrow.      

         Lets ride,  Young Ted


Great to hear from you Ted.  Say hi to Ms Connie.  Rod may have helped you with the Penton, but you have to talk with him on his warranty work.  Only having fun.  Three great people.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mark Annan

Does this issue also have an article about the Reunion Ride?

Paul Danik

This issue has a nice article on the reunion ride with lots of pictures of old guys and old motorcycles!!!  ALSO, a great article on the 50th anniversary of the Corduroy Enduro, including a great pic of Mr.Penton walking his NSU across what must have looked like Lake Erie to the riders. The article on the Corduroy is devoted to a lot of the history of the event and also to this years event. Like I said before this is a collectors edition!!  This issue will probably sell on ebay for big $$$ is a short time.  Just imagine,  "Young Ted" on ebay!!


I am so happy for you Ted and Connie!!!! You both are an inspiration to us all!!!
