400 GS Questions

Started by Droobie, December 02, 2003, 09:27:06 PM

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I am working on a 1979 400gs (actually a katoom, but its ALMOST a penton!) any who, just behind the countershaft (sprocket) and just ahead of the rear enging bolt hole, there is a curios bolt, that looks to be pipe treaded, (?), and has slots cut in the end. At any rate, it seems that this bolt had come a bit loose at one time and suffered a large jolt, so the hole is a bit elongated. MY query is, what is this bolt? what purpose does it serve? and would it be alright to retap the hole/helicoil/etc and replace the odly threaded, slotted bolt with a more conventional one?
 i can see nothing inside the hole that would suggest the slots have a purpose, but by the same token im sure there is a reason for their being. Any help at all would be very much apreciated. Please email rather that or in addition to posting, i do not come here very often.
Drew Uth
[email protected]

G Ellis

The screw hole is for a comperssion release. So you could add one on if you needed to.

Mike Lenz

A compression release behind the countershaft in the cases?? Sounds more like where the stud goes for the rear engine mount spacer to me?