Early Birthday Present for MetalKfab ?

Started by Don Roth, March 02, 2004, 10:48:28 AM

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Don Roth

May I propose we, as a group, make sure that Karl gets the red mx tank http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=35609&item=2462920905

I will pledge $10.00 towards it and we can use my ebay/paypal account.
Others opinions/concerns/pledges?
Strength in numbers,


Don,Thank You for the consideration.The problem I see with doing this,is we have to watch-out for that Won C. from Texas.He has his fingers in the pie also. Thanks


Wan C agress with Dr. Roth(no kin to Big Daddy) and will contribute to the STRTFK* Fund.  I will pledge $10.00.  Remember that this is our Ole Budd and self anointed Geru of Fab for POG.  And Karl I'm working on those adoption papers.

*Save The Red Tank For Karl

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Does this mean you'll be my sugar-daddy Won?

Rain Man

Hey Don,  I use to have an engineer friend named Don Roth who moved to Ohio or somewhere south of here years ago.  You don't have any roots in Southern Maine by chance?
 Down East Pentons


Awwwww c'mon guys, give me a break... I've been hunting a mx tank for ages.  They're impossible to find here in Aussie and even when one comes up you have to be lucky to get a seller willing to ship international. :(

You Yanks, on the other hand, have godzillions of the things just around the corner http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=10065&item=2463075113 :D

I must say Karl, you're a lucky bugger to have such good friends.  Let the bidding frenzy begin - looks like this is going to be one ridiculously expensive tank!

Western Australia

Don Roth

 Yes I am an engineer (MSEE) but I hail from SM Pa originally,
vmx1963, appreciate you chiming in, would you settle for a Green MX
tank for a reasonable price ? I REALLY want Karl to get his scoot
finished, he has helped us Penton nuts above and beyond, but ebay is
capitalism at its best. Thanks for the replies, and vmx1963, let me know
if we can 'negotiate' ([email protected])


Don I had already put a pretty high bid in even before I saw your post (bids which I can't retract cos I don't believe it's good eBay behaviour).  

Have tried to get the last 2 mx tanks I've seen on eBay and got sniped at the last second each time.  Maybe Karl likes green more than red anyway ;)

Western Australia

Don Roth

POG Members..
I am happy to announce that international diplomacy has been
reached, arms across the countries, I guess.
VMX1963 will hopefully win the auction then swap for my green mx tank and a few stateside goodies, so let's all hope that vmx1963 wins the ebay event.(thanks allan!) All we need to do is leave it alone. Karl, keep those fabricatin' fingers crossed.
Great folks, these Penton fanatics.

-diplomat don


Happy Birthday Karl (whenever that is) - I've secured the final bid so thanks to your good buddies Don et. al. you will receive a nice red mx tank.  Don, I'll drop you an email to figure out how we cross PayPal payments.

Western Australia


  Don't ask me how I got involved, all I did was bid on a tank.  Seems like I am responsible for Won's debt of $10.00.  Let me know where to send my friends donation.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Guys, Thank You! I'm more than willing to pay up for the tank.I've not checked E-Bay for the final price,but I really feel humbled by this group and wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that others worked for me without repaying them.Just so you all know,A RED tank would help me finish a '75 250 MX'r that I was only going to refurbish.I sent my motor to Kip Kern just for a quick check-up and repair and the damm thing came back looking like NEW.This has FORCED me to restore back to original.Again,Thanks.And for the guys that think I should just repaint any tank to meet my needs,let's just say gas tanks,paint and me just don't work well together,especially when you put GAS on/in them.I'm mentally scared for life!

Don Roth

Good news, we got it at a reasonable price, Allan is having
it sent my way, I will send it you, from you I would like
1. An address
2. About $85.25
3. Keep fabricating.
Ron, you can buy me two $5.00 beers @ VMD, amnd I'll buy myself two
all should be square. Thanks to all (allan, glenn, ron, all POGGERS)
If desired, I can shoot it up to Dr. Wilford for pickup, either way.

([email protected])


  You are a Statesman.  Thanks for your great Spirit.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Karl, you have to promise to post a photo of the 250 when it's finished.  I hope to see that red tank on a bike - even if it's not my bike!  :)

Western Australia