Penton Man could use your prayers

Started by Larry Perkins, March 03, 2004, 02:49:24 PM

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Just found out about your illness. You know FOR SURE that Rosemary and I are praying for you. Looking forward to riding with you soon!!!!




I don't know what you're going through, and hope I never find out either!!  My stepmother had the shingles years ago and she said it was quite painful.  I'll keep you in my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery for you.  I was hoping that I'd see you this weekend at Teddy's ISDT Vintage Qualifier but that doesn't look like it's going to happen does it????

I'll catch up to you and we'll ride Chadwick together FOR SURE this Sprint, OK?  That will give you, and ME, something to look forward to right?

Your friend,

"Phast Phil" Ketchum

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


I only spoke to you once, however, I was impressed with your passion for Penton and vintage parts and your forthrightness and honest expression.  I was also taken with the fact that you only spoke good things about everyone and everything.... a rare quality -- especially when done with the sincerity that you expressed.  

As you know, many (including me who doesn't even know you well) have expressed sorrow and loss that we don't hear from you more often.  You are an intregal part of this Penton history.  I truly hope that I have the opportunity to meet you in person one day.  God speed.


Hello Larry,Hope this finds you better. Had'em once myself but not as severe as your's. It takes time and patience. Just think of it as a different kind of  race, it takes determination and endurance to win, and you will because you are a winner!  Godspeed!!!

Kip Kern

Larry  Get well soon so as you can enjoy the summer.  Sounds like you are in pretty good hands at home.;)  If we can be of service, please contact us.  Good Luck!

Larry Perkins

My dear friends,

I thank you all so very much for all your kind thoughts and prayers.  I am doing better, though full vision is yet to come.  The pain part gets better every day.  I tuely appreciate you all and look forward to communicating better.  Much of my life is in turmoil and I am glad to know that no matter what crumbles around me that there are friends to reach out to.  Thanks again.  This experience has changed me and I hope to come back a better person.  I look forward to riding with and seeing you all again.


Randy Kirkbride

It was sure great to visit with you at your shop back in December. I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems.  Hope they get straightened out real soon.  Seems like sometimes it takes something like this to learn how many true friends you really have. You're very lucky.
Get Well

Gavin Housh

Larry, Im sorry to here you have this virus. I think maybe you might remember our conversation over the phone about both of our careers as bicycle racers. After many seasons of hard, hard training I decided to do something nice for my body. So I went out in search of a person to teach me Thi Chi. After practicing for six months I started to feel big differences in how I felt. This evening my wife was reading a Prevention magizine and there was an article about Thi Chi fighting Shingles. Prevention has a web sight. You could probably find this on the internet if your up to it. Anyway, just made me think of you. Hope your starting to feel better. Gavin.


Larry, Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I have never gone through anything like what you are experiencing but I have certainly seen my share of rough times and for sure one of the true treasures in life is the friends that will stick with you through thick and thin. Such things will change a man. Some it brings the worst and some it brings out the best. Like metal being heated what a person is truly made of will come out when we are put to the test. I never doubted it would only bring out the best. I look forward to hearing more good new as the next few weeks unfolds. We will continue to hold you up in prayer. NO time to slack of yet. The finish line is yet  to come.
Take care and God's Speed

Thom Green,I own and ride a 76 250 MC5 MX which I bought new.
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W

Cliff Cook

Larry, it is good to hear that your affliction is letting up, although I'm sure you will be even more happy to see it get totally into submission.  Sorry to be so late, I got more than just the Penton sickness (only one of those), and got the word from the Vinduro group.  Also, It's been a while and I had trouble logging in (sue me for non-support).  Anyway, thanks for your help in times gone by.  I look forward to seeing you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next time around, and will pray for same.  Thank Laura for keeping us posted.  Cliff

Mike Lenz

Larry, Being THE Penton man Im sure Youll pull thru with flying colors. Pentons are the toughest units around! Your in my prayers.


Hi Larry,

I'm sure glad to hear that things are starting to turn your way.  Someone said it best, and I paraphrase here, "You'll beat this thing because you're a winner".  In my opinion that phrase sums up my opinion of you.

God Speed to you my friend,

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group