What's the strangest thing you ever found...

Started by tomale, March 12, 2004, 12:17:52 PM

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Tom Gougeon

About five years ago, after discovering the value of old Pentons, I immediately set out to rescue my '74 250 from the field behind my brother's barn where it had resided for the last few years. Early one cold spring morning I pulled the tarp off (funny, it didn't seem to be that muddy when I parked it?) and brought it home, put it in my (attached) garage and went out of town for a few weeks. When I returned the weather had warmed up pleasantly and all the mud dauber wasps that that had been hibernating in the seat, tool bag, air cleaner, under the seat, behind the number plates, between the motor fins, under the motor, in the motor, inside the handle bars, inside the pipe (stinger?) between the knobs on the tires and everywhere else you can think of had come out of hibernation and were busily constructing NEW nests in the rafters, under the work bench, behind the insulation, under the lawn mower  and in and amongst all the rest of the stuff stored in MY garage. To this day, we kill about 50 or so wasps just in the garage each spring, not mention destroying at least one nest behind every shutter on the house. I buy hornet spray by the case now and survey the house and yard every week or so all spring and summer long. Needless to say, according to my wife, it's all the Penton's fault. She says it's a curse for abandoning it out in a field for so long.
Last summer I rescued an old Honda CB450 from a junk yard in Indiana......now we have the emerald ash borers.......


Mark, that was a great story, What kind of snake was that?
In fact I have enjoyed each and everyone of them. Come on guys/gals there must be some more.....

Here is a small story, not related strickly to vehicles but worth telling just the same. My brother and I bought our first bike together. It had belonged to a mutual friend that lost interest in it. he seized it up and sold it to us cheap. Any way, We were out at our favorite riding spot and I was running along the trail and to my suprise there was a rattlesnake coiled up. I was moving too fast to divert it but did my best to jump. I think the snake was as suprized as I was and I cleared the snake and just kept running. I was too scared to stop or think. I do not like snakes!!!!

Thom Green,I own and ride a 76 250 MC5 MX which I bought new.
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W