Razorback weekend

Started by Dave Withrow, March 16, 2004, 09:50:19 AM

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Dave Withrow

I'd like to thank Teddy Landers for putting the Vintage ISDT Qualifier together.  I hadn't ridden an Enduro in........well, let's say a long time.  It was a great experience!  I got reaquainted with some buddies and met some new faces.  I'd like to see more POGGERS out there next year......this event was made with us in mind.  The gauntlet has been thrown.   GO PENTON!


Dave,  Would you mind sharing a little more info about the event?  Some of us newbie POG'ers are unfamiliar with events, locations, etc.

Dennis Jones

I wish I could type fast enough to tell everyone how much fun this event was. Arkansas is dirt bike heaven! Thank you, thank you, thank you Teddy. Single track, four wheeler trails, fire roads, pipeline roads, gravel roads, rocks, mud, trees, rain, sleet and sunshine, this race had it all. The Razorback Riders are a real class act. With a clubhouse for riders meetings, awards and meals they made everyone feel right at home. I can't wait till next year.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


This event came to pass primarily through the efforts of our own Teddy Landers, who also happens to be the 2001, 2002, and 2003 50+ AHRMA National Enduro Champion, or "Cham-peen" as I like to tease him.  

It all came about because of Teddy's love of 2-day events like the Leyroy Winters annual ISDT Reunion Ride.  I became involved with these rides in 2001/2002 (Park Hills, MO) missing only the Dalton, MA ride in 2003.  The Reunion Rides celebrate the ISDT riders of the past and the machinery of that era.  Usually 40+ ISDT/ISDE riders are in attendance.  The 2004 ISDT Reunion Ride will be held on Oct. 22-24th at the Zink Ranch near Tulsa, OK, which was the site of the 1994 ISDE.  See http://www.isdtr2004.org  So far only 2 ISDT/E events have ever been held in the United States.  The ISDT/E events, or "6 Days" as they are affectionately called, are held over a period of 6 days and the riders cover approximately 200 mi. a day, but I digress....

We all love riding our motorcycles, and the Reunion Ride only comes once a year.  Teddy was motivated enough to tirelessly promote this NEW inagural event with the assistance of the Arkansas Razorback Riders club and with AHRMA's Dave Lamberth's who's "one of us".

When my bike tried to seize up due to too tight tolerances on a new bore job, Teddy came to my rescue and sponsored me for the 2-day event on his Expertly-prepped 1974 175cc Penton Jackpiner.

I couldn't think of any way to properly thank him, or show him my undying appreciation, other than to tell him (and I hope he reads it here first), that if he'd call his local bike shop I've made arrangements for a new Michelin S12 to be purchased and installed, and for his choice of ANY new drive chain of his choosing.

Thanks Teddy, you're one heck of a GOOD FRIEND!  I only hope that I did you, Penton and POG proud!

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


I tell ya what, ya do a guy a favor and he shows ya no respect!!! Phast Phil proceeded to beat me by 9 seconds on MY Piner after two days of fun competition. I think our total scores were 2501 and 2510 respectively for the two days. What ever happened to respect for your elders??? These kids nowadays!!! WOW Phil, thank you for the presents!!! I'm not sure I should accept them, will it make me a professional?

Needless to say, EVERYBODY had a great time!!! We did have a number of Pentons represented including the prettiest Hare Scrambler I have ever seen ridden by Crash Carden. Crash didn't enter, he came all the way to cover the event for Cycle News and Vintage Views. However, in no time flat on Friday afternoon, his clean, immaculate bike was covered in mud as he couldn't resist riding the trails!!! Thank you so much Crash for going out of your way to be there. If any of you have any interesting pictures, send them to Crash or me and maybe they will make it into the BIG TIME!!!!

We learned some important technical stuff this weekend like Shoe Goo
doesn't work on steel gas tanks!! Thanks Kyle Taylor for the opportunity to experiment!! Phil Ketchum taught me how to take the end off of spark plugs by pinching it with the clutch lever. Something I'm sure all you experienced guys know by heart, but I learned from Phil out in the middle of the woods. I also discovered a new prayer while riding - "Please Lord help me not to stall or fall". This was after stalling twice during the second special test on Saturday and losing about 26 seconds. I'm not sure if He likes to hear the same prayer over and over again, but I couldn't stop praying it during the rest of the special tests.

I have heard from a number of the Razorback Riders and their general
concensus was that they have never hosted an event for nicer people.
They loved how friendly, courteous, and helpful we were to each other
and to them. It was very refreshing for them and they want us back!!!
I noted that there was not one piece of trash visible when I left.

I loved Rik Smit's suggestion that we have more of these 2 day events.
They are so much fun. It was so hard to schedule this without
conflicting with the rest of AHRMA's national schedule. We sure would
need larger participation next spring to even consider it. I wonder
if there would be a larger group of riders that would prefer this
over the 1 hour cross countries and we could make it a separate
series. Combining the 1 hour CCs with MX weekends makes them worth
while going to. Stand alone 1 hour CCs really don't work, but stand
alone 2 day qualifiers do work!!!! I think the POGGERS are that other group!!!! Next year right?

I had a ball. I was in a tough class of 5 riders. At the end of the
first day, second place was trailing first by only 17 seconds. Third
place was trailing second by only 7 seconds, and fourth was trailing
third by only 20 seconds!!!! Only 44 seconds distanced fourth place
from first!!!!

I loved the job Denice Winder did as Parc Ferme Gestapo. She was
great!!! I thought it was neat to actually make it important that
your bike was impounded and you only had 1 minute to start it or else
you really got a penalty.

Probably the biggest lesson we learned from this event was - don't
ever watch the weather channel before going to a race - it ALWAYS is
wrong!!! There were at least 20 other guys who said they were coming
who didn't show up. I'm sure the weather channel is to blame.

We talked about renaming the event for next year. I had a lot of guys
call that wanted to come but they only had PV bikes. Drop the word
Vintage!!! I liked Mitch's suggestion that it be called the AHRMA Two
Day Qualifier, or AHRMA ISDT Two Day Qualifier, or AHRMA Two Day Reliability Ride. What do you think?

See you at the ISDTRR and I hope at other AHRMA Cross Countries. Let's go Penton!!!!


Mark Annan

The following note was posted to the Vinduro site.  I thought I would pass it along to this group.  I hope they do it again next year.

Mark A

I have been informed by the esteemed Teddy Landers that these addresses are where I can reach many of the fine people that joined us this weekend for the vintage qualifier. Some may be people that were there in mind and spirit, rather than body.
  On behalf of the Razorback Riders, I would like to thank all the folks that were a part of this incredible event. I can only hope that you had as much fun riding the marginally unforgiving trails of the White Rock area, as we had putting on the event, and meeting you. From the fella who came from Maryland and seized his bike not half way through the first loop, to the many who finished the weekend on the grass track, we thank you from the bottom of our dirt bike lovin' hearts.
  I hope you were able to swap stories and tell lies in true enduro fashion. To see a bunch come together from different sides of the country, and be as pleasant and enjoyable under some ugly weather conditions was inspiring. Not to mention the bikes. It's like going back in time. I brought "On Any Sunday" to watch, but who needed it? All I had to do was look outside. It was awesome.
  For those who didn't recognize him, the guy starting the Sunday ride was Bart Winters, Leroy Winters son. He joined us late Saturday night.
  Once again, I would like to thank you for making the event such a pleasure.

  Charlie Sparks
  President, Razorback Riders

  PS If you know of anyone that I missed, please show this to them.