without a "First turn".........

Started by rob w, April 25, 2004, 12:20:53 AM

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rob w

..........then it's pretty much a drag strip.

Release him Karl, or could he be in Austria bringing home all the old Penton tooling?


I detect something in the Force ????? Please assist.....
Thomas Brosius


Without harm or reason, I thought surely this man was 6 feet under...

Wan, Juan, and Ron are apparently OK....And the Grizwalda team wishes him well!!!
Thomas Brosius

Kevin Grimes

I bet he's somewhere far away, where they eat rice three times a day.:D


Yes Guys,I did "Shanghai'd" him.I did this so we can all finally buy off of E-Bay and still make the mortgage payment next month.The problem is He escaped and I anticipate some nasty payback.Please help me.

Larry Perkins

Yes indeed Ron is in China but will be home soon.  He is always missed.


The FORCE is back and there was no success in locating any Pentons in China.  But I do have leads in Turku Finland, Sri Lanka, Sidon Lebanon and Kunas Luthuania.
  If it wasn't for Dane's expertise in developing a Global Positioning device from an old MotoPlat I would have never escaped Darth Karl.  The KTM/Penton Hat I wore in China was well recieved, but no leads.
  I hope everyone cleaned up on all the bargins on ebay and on the Forum.
  To start where I ended:  Teddy what is that frame number:D.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Welcome back home Won!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


A well traveled man would marvel in his experience, he would also take notice of what happens when he is gone...We do not let go, it is an Evolution of what we have become...the "Penton Owners Group"....I must have a "schrubbery" or an eggroll, Hah!! love you man....
Thomas Brosius