A Note of Gratitude

Started by penton117, April 29, 2004, 06:49:19 PM

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Fellow Poggers:
You want to talk about restoring one's faith in mankind? This morning I posted a need for a steering head nut. By 1:00 pm, one Donny Smith, AKA OUCWBOY, delivered the needed part to my door, AT NO CHARGE! I get the impression that this kind of generousity is nothing new to POG, in fact we could probably start a thread a mile long with similar stories of kindness from fellow poggers. I just thought a bit of praise and a tip of the ole' duckbill was in order for one outstanding POG member. Thanks Donny!


Penton 117 and Fellow POG Members,
  This is not something new for Donny.  When Donny found out about my health issue he was always making sure there was contact weekly.  I could tell of many other stories that other POG members have shown their generosity.  Rocket Rod is another nice guy that you have to watch out for because not only is he a wealth of information, but his bikes take second to none.  Lets keep those good stories in the fore front of OUR organization.  I'll go back to my book on how to tune my forks [:o)].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thank you Ron for the nice compliment, I'm somewhat embarrassed [:I]


Don, Ron and Rocket! I am totally embarrassed! I only do what friends should do. After all, we are members of a brotherhood. A brotherhood different from any other in the world. We are the few, the proud, the POGGERS! Thanks so much for the kind words. I means so much to have you all's friendship.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


I'll add to the kudos for owchboy. Bought some tank bumpers on ebay. when I went to send payment saw the name owchboy. I am a newer POG member but I recalled the name. Sent him an Email through the POG site asking if he had a 250 axle. When my bumpers arrived there was the axel. Plan on buying alot more from him in the future.

Mark Smith

75 250
72 Six Days
74 250 (just started restoration)