
Started by OhioTed, August 27, 2004, 02:31:44 PM

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Due in part to all the rain at VMD during the time I was there, I came home from the swap virtually empty handed.  Al was, of course, open for business as usual, but many of the other vendors were "closed".  VMD is my main used-parts source for the whole year, and I can't wait 'till next July.  What are and where are the other "major" swap meets?  Is there a big one at Daytona in March?  There are big swaps for car parts all over the place, but what about for motorcycle parts?  Any suggestions, guys?  TED


there's a pretty good one in new jersey soon i think,other than that there's a really good one in january in york pa.:)

1980-1981 all sizes

1980-1981 all sizes