monster mountain

Started by chicagojerry, November 04, 2004, 07:04:22 AM

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hey folks, anyone know the story of what was going on with monster mountain? i know the race is on but what was it all about?
chicago jerry

Mick Milakovic

Jerry, the talk on the AHRMA message board is that Dave Boydston is no longer the national off road director.  That's all I know.


Dave Withrow

Mick and Jerry,
    From what I understand, the former operate/promoter "went under".  I belive AHRMA is "leasing" the track to put together a weekend.  After that.....who knows.  It will be the fastest cow pasture in the South.  If you're going, good luck, always....GO PENTON!

Dave Withrow
47 going on 19


Here's some info that I found.


Pasted from Mototalk after being pasted from Motodrive:

Monster Mtn. has been closed. After the 4-Stroke National the former promoter went bankrupt. They had only 21 pros turn out with at $6000 purse. This combined with the low turn out from the Top Kids event forced this to happend. But do not fret Monster Mtn. will be back open soon. Here is some info that I found on other site:

Hello everyone.

Wanted to confirm whats going on @ the Mountain. Due to financial status of prior management Monster Mountain has been put back into the hands of the long term land owner. This owner has asked us to come on board and turn Monster Mountain around.

Meet the management team:
Joe Jeffcoat (Land owner)
Jonney Borders
Milan Harris
Mark Jennings

We are all in this together.

Our first steps will be to clean the place back up and to get some usable equipment out here.

As we are working towards this we will do everything possible to ensure a great track and facility.

All income from know on will be put right back into the facility and to paying certain past debt.

To get Mark Barnett out here and let the man do his thing. As we all know him and Glenn are the best period. This is going to be the first of the year. Meanwhile he will be popping in when in town.

We will still be carrying on the Vintage National & Alabama series race as planned.

Practice will resume sometime after the Vintage Nationals. (info coming soon)

New Website coming soon with all track info!!! will keep informed.

Most of you guys out there know me (milan harris) or Jonney Borders and know that we will get things where they belong, Its just going to take some time. Mark Jennings is a great guy also that looks forward to meeting you. We all do. Keep checking in with the new site coming on all updates. We also would love to hear any response in regardes to the direction you would like to see the Monster go.

Milan Harris
[email protected]

Mick Milakovic

Speaking of Monster, I'll be getting there about 1 in the morning.  Anybody else out there going?



i'll be there too. flying in, diamond don is bringing my elsie from texas. penton is not done yet.    chicago jerry

Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer


I also!!! Can't wait!!! On business in California this week, will be tired!!!
