ignition problem

Started by cward, June 21, 2001, 09:09:47 AM

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Hi POG members, I posted this the other day and was referred to the Penton owners manual (thanks Kip for your response). The manual does not cover trouble shooting the components, only setting the points and armature. I need to know how to determine if the problem is with the ignition armature, condensor or ignition coil. The bike has new points and are set correctly, as it was running fine one minute and the next no fire. Thanks for some advice, Curtis

curtis ward
curtis ward

Gavin Housh

Curtis, check the leed to the condenser. Make shure it's well soldered. You need to find a copy of the "Sachs Engine service repair handbook 100 and 125cc" published in 1974 by Clymer Publications. This book contains info. not addressed in the Penton manual, such as testing each component of the electrical system. If you can't locate a copy email me your address and I'll send you a copy of the pages you'll need. [email protected]  Gavin