Vintage Views

Started by Randy Kirkbride, January 04, 2005, 07:50:18 AM

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Randy Kirkbride

Hey, How about the cover shot on the new Vintage Views.  Could it be our boy Brob???   Great pic!!!


I wondered who that rough and ready looking charecter might be! Spotted the Penton printed logo right away and haven't seen anyone else currently selling that design. Also the Portland, MI race venue, the Mint400 bike and the look of grim determination. Way to go,Bob, rob, robert, bawb,baub,The Man with a Plan,(KR/Special). An excellent photo, suitable for framing! Couldn't happen to a better guy. Funny how he got all muddy so we couldn't read his # plates, #504 on the helmet didn't help any. Dan

1975 250 Cross Country, 1974 175 Jackpiner, 1975 125
1975 250 Cross Country, 1974 175 Jackpiner, 1975 125

Randy Kirkbride

That #504 sticker was probably from 1975.


Way to go "Air Bob"!!!!!


crash carden

Hello,where can I buy a copy or subscrib to Vintage Views? Thanks for any help, Crash Carden- GO TEAM PENTON! [8D] Oh Randy do you have any Penton calenders left? If you do I will get a check out to you ASAP. Thanks Crash.

Randy Kirkbride

I have one. I'll put your name on it.


That Brob thing, also serves to remind...Just about when I was to leave for S. Dakota, to see a piece of America, suddenly there was this kind voice, on the tele....It was the best voice, for I was feeling a bit LOW  @ the time, Thanks Baub!!! Tom
Thomas Brosius

rob w

Wow, I'm on the cover of V.V.? Get out!.......I have'nt received my copy yet. Thanks guys, I can't wait to see it.
It's probably best for me to learn this way, if I had opened that envelope and found myself on the cover without any warning, I may have peed my pants.
 Days like in that picture is what it's all about for me, the Penton, the ride, and the friends. Those AHRMA events provide that pretty well. I hope to make it happen more often this year.  
#504 on the helmet was from the '03 'Reunion Ride' in Mass.
Dan, "The man with the plan" has a plan....and the plan has the name Dan at the top.
Hi Randy and Tom and Teddy and Crash, Happy New Year! Maybe I'll see that mag today.
Hope to see some of you at next months meeting.



Steve Minor

Does anyone have the link to the Vintage View's magazine web site?

Steve Minor


Vintage Views is the AHRMA newsletter.

rob w

All I can say about that is wow. Had'nt imagined seeing myself on a cover. It's striking, I'm honored.
I better start practicing and get fast so I can uphold my stardom.
Thanks guys,

Lew Mayer

Rob,there's your good luck charm. It worked for me last year. Good Luck this year.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Dennis Jones

Lew's right Bob, the year I made the cover on my Penton I won a national title. I havn't got my issue yet, maybe today.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones



   Just saw your picture for the first time. Congratulations! What a great shot. Now, if the bike were only a little more colorful instead of just "black and white".

   When I saw the magazine in BJ's office, on JP's desk, I took a look at it and exclaimed, "Wow, a Penton on the cover of Vintage Views. I wonder who it is?" and started to open the magazine to the title page, to see who it was. Bj then told me that even the magazine didn't know. I  took another look at the picture and thought that it looked like you. When I saw that it was at Portland, I figured I made the right choice.


rob w

Ya'hey Dane, is'nt that cool, thanks very much.
AHRMA made me colorless when they took away my yellow plates.
When I get my sponsorship from "Penton Imports", I will adorn it with your colorful stickers.