Magura dust covers

Started by JD, July 03, 2001, 02:06:16 PM

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I was wondering (nosing) around a local shop the other day, that is what I do for fun and I found a pair of these covers in a bag and on top of them was the other set of covers.  When I asked the sales guy what he wanted for them he told me $40 a pair.  I do not know if that is a good price or not you can decide as I asked him if I could take them home to take a picture and list them on this site and the Vinduro web site since there are a lot of people looking for these to do a full restore.

If any one wants these let me know at [email protected] or 1 800 343-4616 X6061.

I will be returning them next week if no one wants them.

They are listed in the 4-sale section of the files menu in the Vinduro site.


Roger Sibilsky

JD...You might want to look into putting them on E-bay.You might not get $40 a pair as that is a little high.Worth a look.Seems to me there was a pair of those for auction not too long ago.




These are not mine and ebay seems to go real high at least when I am bidding on must have items.

I am offering these to help the real enthusiast trying to keep there bike looking original or someone trying to restore a piece of history.

The guy who owns them told me to ask $40 but who knows he just might take less.  It is not my call.

I know I have been taking a lot of heat because they are to EXPENSIVE.  I dont know what a good price is since I have never been in that market.  I did not set the price and as far as I know he is not set on that price.  I do know that if I see something I want at a price that I think is to much I do 1 of 2 things:
1) Make an offer
2) Forget about it

I will give you an example.  I called on a TY80 and it sounded like it was a "fair" bike at a "fair" price but when I saw it I thought this guy is crazy.  I did not want to offer him what I thought it was worth since he was obviously so proud of the bike so I just forgot about it.  I bet the bike is either in his garage now or it is in someone elses garage and they are happy as ever to have it.

I have gotten some offers and I will be letting him know Thursday (after the holiday) and he will make the call.

Thanks for your input

Roger Sibilsky

JD...Didn't mean to get you all fired up.If the guy can get $40 a pair,more power to him.I know I bought mine from E-bay for $22.50 a pair,shipping included.Have a good holiday and keep it knobby side down!!



a perfect example here of what the internet does to ( or for) us hobbyists ....

  The internet allows us to have access to parts, bikes, and knowledge that we wouldnt otherwise have access to .... I havent seen a Penton for sale outside the internet ( not counting AHRMA races ... but the internet is responsible for me finding that, too ) for over 20 years ....   but,,, with the internet comes support and availability that almost boggles my miniscule mind ....  it also provides us with the knowlwdge and help,, parts availabilty to be able to fix them and enjoy them again once we've found and ultimately purchased them.  Without the internet,,, this phase of the sport would undoubtedly be weaker than it is ...

If someone is restoring a bike,, and someone else has a part they need ,,, who is to say what a fair price is ???these parts are obviously in very limited supply,,, and at some point,,, you need or want the part or bike,,, even if you need to spend a little more $$$ than you may feel is fair ....  E Bay turns this into a buyers market ,,, so if two buyers that need or want the part equally bad meet at the same time,, the seller should do very well,, but the buyer is still the winner ... he gets his part at a price he is willing to pay ....   I think its common knowledge now that Im a Maico owner now,, my Penton is deceased and dismembered ,,, but if I see a part like this at a price that may seem high to you ,,, or is higher than what you paid,,, then I may still have an interest ... simply because the part is available ...I have parted my Penton and I was surprised at how much some items were worth and how little others were .... but again,, its a buyers market,, and in that light,,, no price is "too high" ... it may be too high for me,, but may be low to you ... there are no published price lists anymore

 Penton has,,, due to the members on this site,   the best vintage support I have seen anywhere,, and the most enthusiastic owners,, and I think its great when I see parts like this offered ,,, we're helping each other,, and thats what it takes for these things to survive !


Roger Sibilsky