6 Days 125 Kick start lever.

Started by bentrims, February 21, 2005, 01:31:39 AM

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Has anyone experimented with any other kick lever that allows a little better rider mobility? It seems that the bulging kick start lever causes a bit of a pidgeon toed riding style and blends to cause a few missed shifts. Just curious if anyone has traveled this ground.
Tom B

Rain Man

Tom,  there is a straight shanked kick starter for the Sachs motors, It does fit in closer to the frame, but I'm not sure of the clearance factor.
  Do you have the chromolly or steel tanker frame?  I'll be out in the garage today, and I can give you an answer on both combinations later today or very early tomorrow  morning,

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

peter kane

Ton, Did you check out what Al has on page 24 of his catalog?


(it will only open on an explorer browser)

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]


Thanks guys,
I will look into this. I have the fiberglass tanker 73. I like to keep trying different stuff and get her just right. What the heck else do you after shovelling out 8" of new snow?
Ray Down East Pentons, going to Gainesville?
Thanks Peter,

Rain Man

Tom, heres my lab report on the kick starter experiment.  the steel tanker, a staight kicker will work, with marginal clearance between the kicker and the frame.  The chromolly framed bikes, your gonna have ta move the frame. :(  It dosent clear !!  
   You do gain an 1" with that straight kicker style on the steel tanker.
   Gainesville, shucks, Im saving my money and vacation time for Mid Ohio and hopefully the ISDT ride in the fall. Unfortunately, everything feels like a 1000 miles away from Southern Maine :( if not further !!

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


Bummer on the distances Raymond,
I can 100% relate to that. Arizona was 1900 one way. Thanks for the input on my project. I am sure you saved me alot of time and it leads me closer to another idea to be worked through.
Have Fun!

Doug Wilford

Mount the lever in a 10:00 o'clock position.   Just so the swing out lever is almost touching the cases.


Thanks Doug,
I will look at that angle. I love working on this little bike.