71 Steel Tank

Started by mr2fox, March 07, 2005, 09:09:05 AM

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This week-end I retrieved from my uncles barn what appears to be a 1971 steel tank model (frame # 54 hundred series). I am the original owner of a 1972 six days that I purchased from Competition Accessories when they were located near Xenia, Ohio so there are some similarities in the two bikes. The frame on this bike is rusty so I am getting ready to have it sandblasted and painted. My question today is this, the frame where paint is visible is black. Is this the correct color? I have yet to uncover the engine # so I will post back with that info. I am missing the tank, left side cover, kick starter, shifter and whatever else is under the left side cover. Any info is appreciated.

Gary Wolfe
email: [email protected]


  Welcome to the Penton Owners Group and web site.  To answer your question the frame was silver on your bike.  Also you may be interested in knowing that a V5400's frame number would be near some of the last steel tanker Pentons built.  You might go to the Home Page and look under Production Years for a LOT MORE INFORNATION.  You also my consider joining the Penton Owners Group to receive the Still Keeping Track news letter and other information concerning Pentons.
  Again welcome and you will find a lot of Friendly people will ing to help answer your questions.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks for the response Ron. I uncovered the motor# last night (6552292, 1251 6A ?Hub R 122) and the complete Frame# is V5479. The pictures from VMD 2004 of the steel tanker are a big help. Its off to the sandblaster this week-end.
Gary Wolfe


  Just a heads up on sand blasting....be sure that the person sand blasting your Frame(?) doesn't use course sand.  I'm sure others will pitch in here with what they use, but if you use course sand it will really make a mess of the frame.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I recommend using glass beads. Much smoother finish.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR