ok,, am I a dumba** ??? OK,, I KNOW the answer !

Started by gooey, July 09, 2001, 11:47:22 PM

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But, still,,, help me out here ..... doesnt this chassis look frighteningly similar to the wassel chassis currently on e bay ??? is there a connection there ??? Im wondering,,, remember ,, Im the guy that knows nothing here ... help me out ! thanx .... ( just outta curiosity mostly  




You are mostly correct.  I've bid on the bike for spares for my Woodsman.  Everything spells Wassell except the tank and front wheel.  I can't tell about the pipe. I noticed that the 1st day it was posted. Good eye.

San Diego Area Penton Owner.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


You must not be talking 'bout the same ad oucwboy  .... I see you bid on the Wassell ... but not this one ... follow the link,, its an American Eagle,, and I dont see a pipe in the pic at all ....



Sorry! I was reading your post and fighting with the dog at the same time.  I thought you were refering to the Wassell(?). But you are right, looks like it, sorta.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


the frame looks REALLY close .... is there a connection there I dont know about ??? U guys know a LOT more about these than I do !

 by the way,,, I will offer you the same respect you have offered others ... the Wasell is close enuff for me to pick up,, but I'll pass ... you have a stronger desire for itthan i do, im sure,, and Id hate to simply drive the $$$ up for you ... Ill stay out of it !   thanx for your replies



Gooey,  That's got to be a frist on this end! Normally one of our fellow poggers keep bidding me, causing the prices to skyrocket. It happened to me again today.  I want to Thank You for that and I respect you for it.
the favor will be reurned many fold.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Ive been studying this American eagle thing,, ad it is quite dif after all ... so, this thread started by a lack of looking more closely ..... it appears to be a simple case of two co.'s having very similar ideas,, OR .. STOLEN ideas ..... anyway... was just a curiosity thing ...



I seem to remember that an American Eagle has a connection to the Yankee motorcycle.
Remember the Yankee 500cc twin, endoro?