73 Penton Six Day 125 4 sale

Started by 16honda1, December 26, 2005, 06:29:34 PM

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For some reson or another i am not getting some or your emails please try this email addres
[email protected]
Thanks Curt (16honda1)


Kevin1971: It took him a week to contact me with a naw e-mail address, which I replied to and still no response. I'm putting my efforts into a different direction. It's too bad, I was willing, he's not too far away from me, and I've got cash.[^]


It is sunday Jan 29th i still have the penton if any one is still interseted please contact me i have my email problems fixed the new email is [email protected] there will be a reply within one day thanks Curt


To all of you who are following this soap opera, I am now comunicating with 16honda and hope to have good news for you in the near future.[^]


It looks like trownchain is going to buy my penton for some reson this deal doenst work ill re post the penton thanks[8D]


Hey man, you spoiled my surprize. OK the cats out of the bag, as it looks right now I'm going to buy the 73 Penton. we've agrred on a price and I hope to take delivery in the near future.[^]


Yes the trip is complete, I took delivery of the Penton on Fri, 3/9/06. The bikes in pretty decent shape overall, as near as I can tell, a basic cosmetic upgrade should cover most of the work. It does need the ignition side of the motor and I'm sure I can count on POG members for help in that department. So say hello to a new Penton owner. [that's right, my first Penton, but probably not the last]...[8D]