Riding Areas

Started by thrownchain, January 09, 2006, 11:59:03 AM

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After reading some of the other posts, how about sharing yor favorite riding areas with the rest of the group? I've noticed some people like to travel to ride. A comprehensive list of public or even private places to ride could help in planning a vacation, or even lead to maybe a gathering of like minded people. Give it a shot.[^]:)[:p]


Here is one place I have ridden for 5 years now.  It is very good, if not exceptional.  It used to be leased by the Austin Motosports Club (AMSA), but now, the owners of the property manage it now.  However, it is a premier place to ride off-road.  Located in Central Texas about 75 miles east of Austin.


AMSA also has leased private property in several places in Central Texas. Most are about 50 miles south and east of Austin.  Members can bring guests to the properties.  If you are in the area and don't mind riding a Honda CR500, you can enjoy a day of fast fun time.  Ahh I am just picking...  I'll ride the 500 ...if you prefer a wimpy Honda CRE 250.  However, in whatever time it takes to ship here to Texas, I should have in my garage, a 1980 KTM 250 that I have purchased from Tom Brosius.  You can have your cake and eat it too with this bike.  

The Red River area north of Dallas....  Put it this way, the place is so awesome, I used to drive from SC to Dallas and then north to the riding area that the Red River Enduro Riders have on the border of Texas and Oklahoma to ride for a weekend.  When I was offered a job at Dell, first question I asked...how close are you to Muenster, Texas?


John Ehrhart

Yeah! Anybody in the Maryland, N. Virginia or southern PA area with a good spot to meet up with some more Penton People?

\\"If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.\\"
--Johnny Carson

Lew Mayer

You can meet some at the York vintage swap meet on Jan. 22. Even get to visit with Pres. Danik.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

John Ehrhart

\\"If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.\\"
--Johnny Carson


Come on now, Texas is the only state that has a decent riding area??Or nobody wants to share?;) There are alot of members in this organization, but only a small percent seem to contribute. Youre not all riding in your backyard??[8D] Or are you? Somewhere, anywhere??Step up and share.[^][^]


Hi all, new member to POG, this will be my 5th year going to York swapmeet, would like to meet the Vets of POG, is anyone bringing any show bikes ??, thanks, Mike G. from NJ.

73 Jackpiner
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]


Thought about replying...... but really didn't know were to begin. It's like trying to pick a favorite child.  But since you are goading us to share.......I will put in my two cents.

As indicated on the post -- Ultimate Retirement Places -- there are some amazingly beautiful places to ride (except in Mars and Illinois) ....... each one is great for a different reason -- tight single track, magnificant views, high mountain meadow, etc...  But I pick Chafee County, Co.

The Berkshires, the Ozarks, Moab, the Smoky Mountains - GA, SC, TN, W.VA, Idaho all have some magnificant trails ..... but Colorado has the most open land, the widest variety and more trails than I will ever be able to ride -- right outside my back door or a short haul down the road... but then I haven't been to Texas so what do I know!!! (but you know how those Texans always stretch the truth!)..... and oh well Big Mac -- Malcolm Smith may have put Oregan on his top ten... but he has a ranch where we are! :D

One of the things that I found of most value is either riding with a local who knows the trails -- or having a damn good map.  Even so -- we have been horribly/dangerously lost at times... even with GPS.

Let us know where you live... how many days you have off and how much driving time you want to do and I bet we can map out a great vacation for you.

P.S.... maybe here is my next job opportunity -- a dirtbike travel agency!

One more thought -- when my husband and I started on our search for the best retirement place (AKA best area for trails)... we started at Billy Uhl's off-road training school in Atlanta, ID.  My husband was new to the sport and it had been decades since I had run enduros........... it was invaluable information (for anyone at any level) plus a guided trip through some of the most awsome trails you will ever see and accomodations available in charming 200 year old mining cottages.  http://www.ohvtraining.org.  As a matter of fact, my husband is riding right with many 30 year veterans at an incredibly respectable pace (except tight single track <grin> which just happens to be my specialty!)


Thank You, this is the type of info I'm talking about.;)So now if someone wants to utilize this, it's out there. Could be made into an annual gathering.[?] The possibilities are endless.[^]


Regarding your suggestion for a gathering of like-minded people -- The three best annual gatherings that I have been to are Dave Mungenast's Museum in St. Louis, the ISDT/RR and the POG Annual Meeting (an amazing immersion in Pentons and AMA Museum History).  

We have the nearby Ozarks near Dave.  Obviously the ride piece is built into ISDT/RR............ and I know that there is a great meeting and a good dinner after the POG Annual Meeting.... but not sure about any riding opportunities -- perhaps the day after???  We could always go out and race John and his tractor on his farm!!

O.K......... who is the designated event coordinator or Concierge for the POG meeting??


Thanks Lynn, We're up to five[?] gathering opportunities. 48 contiguous states and all we can come up with are 5???[8D] In a seperate post there was mention of a place in Kentucky. Why not add that here??[?] Come on people don't waste this chance, speak up.. With a real effort we could come up with a riders guide of places to ride along with people in that area, of like mind, who could be "hosts" while your in that area. They could recommend lodging, resturauts, local sights and other things of interest. A Penton riders guide to the US.[^][^] It'll be a little work, but worth it in the long run.


We have several goverment land trail systems for ohv in South Caroilna.Enoree,Manchester,Parsons Mountian,Cedar creek,Francis Marion.Enoree,Cedar Creek and Parsons Mountian are in the upstate and Manchester is middle of the state and Francis Marion is in the low country and it has about 40 miles of trails.//www.sore.truespode.net
Also we have a GNCC Hare Scramble here called the Big Buck.And if not mistaken the Penton team has blasted the Swamp Fox Enduro back in the 70,s !! Wish I would have seen it but I was finding out how a Penton could become a Flat Tracker!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Thanks, Thomas, :) come on people keep them coming.[^][^]

Dave Withrow

There is a trail system in West Virginia called the Hatfield/McCoy system.  I haven't officially ridden it but probably been on some parts of it.  When I went back to visit my folks last year, I found out that a spur of the system begins about 5 minutes from their house.  The trails are laid out for any degree of difficulty, and I hear they have an annual ride in the summer.


The Hatfield and McCoy website is pretty neat. It can be found at
//www.trailsheaven.com I would love to ride something like this but its a pretty long trek from Nebraska.

I'm going to take this opportunity to list all the great public riding areas in Nebraska. Here they are................

Pretty sad, when I was a teenager, riding mx and enduros, they had alot of great places to ride. In fact we had a National Mx track in Herman, where they hosted a AMA National event every year.

Nebraska law holds the land owner liable for any injury.

Iowa on the other hand has developed ,with the help of area off road clubs, public areas where for a fee of $15 per year you can ride to your hearts content. Last year I was out almost every weekend from March to the first week in December riding one of these areas. Their web site is //www.iowaohv.com  Also in SW Iowa there are MX tracks where you can become a member and practice during the week. The only problem for me on this they aren't very geezer or vintage friendly.

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)