Motoplat Repairs..

Started by DKWRACER, January 29, 2006, 10:51:13 AM

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Thomas Brosius


..........the Motoplat repair mans name:Vance T Smith,810-231-3359..........
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


Merlin, "the magician" Merlin "the friend of POG" who dared to mention 2-stroke-oils...Merlin the "magician" who helped a POG member with magnesium welding.....dear SIR, I only found this site recently, and I would know nothing of his quality, only to open a doorway...
Thanks, Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius

Rain Man

I guess I got to respond to this, seeing I work with voltages from 480 3 o / (that dosent work:  3 phase ;)) down to -5 +0 v.
  The fella advertising does state that they cater to the guys with few or no options for replacement.  thats a good thing [8D]
  nice find here Thomas

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


.............Dear DKWracer,I too was only trying to help,giving the name and phone was just that.............
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


RAY, tell me how 3-phase works -5 to 0,.....shocked beyond belief,
I am OHMing.......LT, and hear I thought, you were a plumber........Tom?
Thomas Brosius

Dennis D

Vance is a great guy to deal with. Knows his stuff
about electronics and is a true enthusiast. Dennis D


Sorry Ray, I saw GOD er Eric Clapton last night on the tube, Cream, Hammersmith Odium Reunion.....outside my window, is a tree....OH, the sound of a Fender! LT [8D]
Thomas Brosius

Rain Man

Tom, just one comment about electricity,  Its not a hobby [8D]
  Some of the foreign Cnc machinery's CPU's run on -5 to 0 volts.
 Very sensitive electronic equipment ($$$) Any one particular machine could be running on 5 or more different voltages.
  Now back to the motosplat.  Have any of you guys had any experiences with rewound/repaired ignitions ??  Seems like a great alternative to owning a rare bike with no spark.

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons



   While I haven't had direct experience of using any repaired ignitions on motorycles, I have had people send me repaired Motoplat and PVL stators to be tested, and I can report mixed results. I have tested only one stator repaired by the facility that was mentioned in the start of this thread, and the results were so-so. It did not meet Motoplat's specifications for testing, but it did make some spark. If I were to speculate about how it would work, I'd say that it would probably work on the smaller engines, but on the big engines, I'd bet that there would be starting problems.

   The fellow that was doing repairs down in Houston a few years back, did some good work, but I found the same thing: while the systems would make spark, they didn't meet Motoplat's standards. If there were trigger circuit repairs, usually they worked just like they were supposed to.

   The PVL stators that I've tested have had worse results. Some would make some spark, but others were far enough below standard, that I wouldn't have even considered putting them on any of my machinery.



  I have been repairing Motoplats for a short period of time. So its been moreless of an evolution. If you have any Motoplat testing or spec. information you could pass on I would be very interested in seeing it. I would like to compare notes on this subject.
I have had great success with the larger style plats which are used on the larger crank models. This gives more surface area which is critical to obtain higher current. Trigger has little to do with it. The trigger is elevated by the charging coil and I have seen very few triggers open. If they are it was because of a flywheel mishap. I have generally catered to the unfortunate few that have no ignition alternatives. Thus I see some of the most unusual ignition device ever devised.


    I am the original owner of a '75 250 HS, it was running fine until a couple of months ago when I lost all spark. I went through the recommended cleaning of the ignition grounds without success. I found a testing procedure on a Husky site (please don't hate me) that indicates a diode failure. So, what can I do? Do I try one of the repair vendors? If so which one? Or do I replace my stator with another Motoplat(which might fail in a short period)? Or do I replace the total Motoplat with an after market replacement (ie PVL)? I welcome any and all opinions. Thanks...

Rain Man

Welcome to the Penton Owners Group Website bird_dg.  I had a 6 day that would run for 20 minutes and then quit. :(  Very frustrating  if you have a minimal amout of time to ride and to goof around with repairs.  I saved up my money and bought a 12 volt MZB ignition and the bike hasen't had 1 problem since. And you can even see where your going at night [8D]

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Ernie Phillips

And on the 7th day ... my 6 day would not start.  Actually, it is my Berkshire.  I didn't do anything.  I just went out to show my son how good my bike was running ... and no start, no pop, no spark. Intall new plug -- no spark.  Disconnect stop button -- no spark.  Swap coil  -- no spark.  Pull out the multimeter and do some preliminary testing.  It appears that I have a stator fault.  I'm sending my stator to Vance Smith tomorrow.  He will fix it and hand deliver to Mid-Ohio.  How is that for service?  Great in my book.

In the mean time, I robbed another bike's ignition and got the bike to run. I'm beginning to believe that if you have an original Motosplat system that it will fail.  It is only a matter of time.  If my experience with Vance is good, he will be getting all my stators to upgrade.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


I have several of Vance's repair units in operation right now and to date I've encountered no problems at all. I think you'll find he does a nice job on them.
Dave McCullough