Bing puzzle

Started by OhioTed, February 15, 2006, 08:54:46 PM

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Rain Man

One thing I've been doing when its cold out (30f + or -) to get the big bore KTM's and Pentons started is to lay them down for a second or 2 on their sides. This will flood them out and make them start.
  I dunno how many KTM riders I've seen do this up here in the North East, especially in November,    but it works !!

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


If you have the comp. release on the side of the cylinder, just keep it open whilst kicking. Because the C.R. hole is up higher than the exhaust port it bleeds some of the compression off while still giving enough to start. The bike will run with the C.R. on, not like a cylinder head mounted device would. Try it, you'll like it! Wildman

1975 250 Cross Country, 1974 175 Jackpiner, 1975 125
1975 250 Cross Country, 1974 175 Jackpiner, 1975 125


Got an update, and a request for more advice, guys.  First off, the compression release relocation solved the kicking-over problem.  Thank you!  However, despite hands-on assistance from R.C., the old Bing still drools all over itself.  Plus, I've only been able to get the bike to fire once, and that was a wide-open, screamin' episode that only lasted a few seconds, as I frantically stabbed at the kill switch.  Oh, and it did kick back one after that (ouch!) when I tried supplementing the process by squirting starting fluid into the carb throat.  Questions at this point:  Speedy, you say you have some Bing parts, but what will it take to solve this?  I've been back to testing the carb off the bike, and the needle and seat are capable of sealing, but won't.  The floats just don't seem to be able to exert enough pressure to bring about the seal.  I'm also considering a Mikuni conversion, so as to have a nice, fresh start, with new components.  Originality is secondary to getting the bike running at this point.  However, what info can you fellows offer, for application, installation, and setup of a Mikuni for this Mint?  I tried doing a "Mikuni" search on the POG site, but so many hits turned up that I don't think I'll live long enough to research all the available info.  Hoping for some direct advice, please?  Thanks to all who have contributed.        Ted

Mike Lenz

Ted,  I bet Ron is right or the float needle is bad or the float seat is shot (ie carb is shot). You  have to kick those 400's like your trying to break off the kick lever shaft. Mine will kick back mean if I dont show  it whos boss! Get mad and get mean!! However I NEVER kick it without my boot on.  Believe me you want your boot on!!! I can still feel the pain from that day that jerk bike got me!!!

john durrill

Bing will replace the brass seat for the float needle if you send them the carb body. They also sell a kit and you can do it yourself or have someone local do it.
 Mikunis are good carbs just getting the right jetting in one can take time and cost some money unless someone has the mikuni jetting dialed in close for you.
John D.