Tool bag rack

Started by CWilson, March 04, 2006, 07:51:18 PM

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Has anyone mounted one of Al Buehner's tool bag racks on a 1975 Six Days? I'm interested in purchasing one and just wanted some feedback. Thanks in advance.

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson


Hi Craig, Ironic, I just mounted mine about 3 hrs. ago. I also have an OEM one and they're identical to the finest detail. I used Al's on my 74 Six Day since it's painted nicely and matches my new powder coat almost perfectly! Just be careful choosing where to drill. You have to kinda "tweek" it to make it line up nicely on the frame. I recommend putting the hose clamps on before drilling to hold it in place, but don't tighten them down completely, and then mark the frame with your punch. Mark it where it lines up the best to "look" right. Then when it's bolted down, if there's a tiny bit of "tweeking" to be done, tightening up to hose clamps pulls it all in to place just right!!! Also, on the airbox side don't drill too high on the frame brace or you won't be able to get the nut on. For the pipe side I ended up drilling through all 3 layers of the exhaust mount and used a longer bolt to go through. Came out great. I definitely recommend buying one! Good luck.

Chris H.
1974 Six Day 125


Thank you for your input Chris.  I will call Al this week.

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson